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Everything posted by LucG

  1. I spent all winter trying to figure out which model to choose. I ended up selecting the power drive v2 cause it made more sense for my application. I mounted it on my Lund 16 DLX. I have no real complaints yet, but I've only had it out about a dozen times. The only thing I was worried about was selecting a 12 volt system. But I have yet to deplete my battery. That may be because it is brand new. In regards to the stow/deploy, it definatly gets better as you use it. Right out of the box it is very stiff, but it does break in and it now stoes and deploys without issue at all. How ever If I could have afforded it, I would have went with the Terrova.
  2. Hey Guys, Can anyone help me understand what frequencies are ideal for certain situations. I've just purchased a Garmin 500c and its uses either 200kHz or 77kHz. I've noticed, when using the split frequencie screen that one seems to mark better arches while the other seems to have better bottom definition. Is it as simple as that or is there mor to it. Is it better to use one vs the other when in deep/shallow water. Thanks
  3. Yeah, the one launch is too shallow for me. Thank Blair, glad I have OFC on my mobile, I was able to change plans on the fly, haha.
  4. Great, Thanks! Thats the one just off Park St?
  5. Hey Guys, Just wondering if anyone knows if the boat launch in Callander will accomodate a small 16' tinner. Thanks
  6. Thanks guys! That exactly what I'm looking for!
  7. Nice fish! Thanks for posting. I love fishing pike this time of year!
  8. Hey Guys, I just had a PD V2 installed on my boat. Now the combination of a weak bow plate, and the flexible shaft, has the head of my motor bouncing around quite a bit. I've seen on tv that there is a mount that can be added in between the shaft and your gunnel to prevent this bounce. However I am unable to locate this item anywhere. The standard stabalizer kits are inadequate to my needs. Can anyone direct me somewhere where these are available. Or even better yet, an easy Do it Yourself solution to my problem. Thanks
  9. Right on Chad...looks good!
  10. Nice! Glad to see you finaly had a good day! Keep it up!
  11. Great Report! I intend on doing a similar trip this year as well. I hope it will turn out as good as yours.
  12. That is very well made! Allthough it shows a couple lakes that I though I was the only one who knew about them...lol Not sure how acurate the fish listings are though...
  13. Looks like yous have a successful outing! I've never gone smelt fishing, is 70 a good number?
  14. Yeah I was out on Sunday. Back in Boulter. Yourself?
  15. I agree! I used the patch to help me quit smoking, and it worked wonders. It did sometimes make my arm feel somewhat weak and/or soar. And it did give me some very weird dream.
  16. Sweet shots! I like how you can really see their colours. That would be cool to catch with a telephoto lens, even tho it might be nearly impossible.
  17. Made it out on the ice one last time for some splake. I think it has been almost three times i've said that...lol There was still lots of ice and plenty of snow in the bush. We could'nt have had better weather. I was even in a t-shirt for a while. Though I'd share a few pics. Check out this splakes stomach contents.
  18. Not sure if this is a repost or not, but its the first time I've see these pics.
  19. Thats a good one. Here is an oldie CANADIAN commercial. NF http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y09YOkVmGg0&playnext=1&list=PLE0414B73C010DD76
  20. Ive got a 6'6" Med Fast casting rod and I've got it paired with a Shimano Crusix. I'm not sure if its the reel or rod, but I don't seem to like it at all. Havent had the chance to experiment with diff combos and lines, but theres something about the stainless steel guides that I don't like. Are stainless guides better for mono vs braid?
  21. I know its only February, but I have started my search for the ideal bow-mount electric. I'm set on going with Minn Kota, and I've allready crossed out the Power Drive due to many negative comments on them, but there are still many choices so I though I'd create a poll to see what others with more experience have to say. I will be putting it on my 16' Lund Tiller w/ 30HP Honda....
  22. I've done a bit of night fishing on nipissing this year. On every occasion we caught several ling. The most succesful lure was a glow in the dark buck shot, tipped with minnows. Bouncing it on the bottom a few time, then just letting it rest.
  23. I had intented on bringing some deer saugage, but turns out I may need to work...not sure yet. Fingers crossed...
  24. Cool! Must have been a neat experience. What was the interior temp compared to the outside temp?
  25. As correct as you may be, I'm still interested in finding out what they were using. It wasnt cheese, bacon or marshmellows...the quest continues
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