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Everything posted by NAW

  1. That'll hillarios! Sounds like a pissed off cat
  2. It is a sign.. Use a big black and white lure.. That'll be the ticket!
  3. Nice report Chad. Maybe I missed a few of your previous posts...When did you pick up the Minkota for the Sportspal?
  4. Hope you figure out how to post a video. You've peaked my interest. I still haven't figured out how to post video either. Aside from uploading to U Tube, then posting a link to that.
  5. What camera did you use for those photos? Did you use a special lense, or setting? The look "rustic".
  6. That's what I was thinking. I can't remember what the water temp (edit) was. At what temp would they move out of the 15 - 20' range? And how deep would they move to?
  7. That's the funny thing. I fished there 2 weeks ago. Weed edges, 15'. Caught 5 pike in an hour and half. This week, fished the exact same weed beds. Nothing. One big follow turned away boat side. We did see some massive snapping turtles.
  8. I fished 15 to 20' on G-Pool all day Sunday and got skunked on pike :wallbash: Tried all of the above exept for a Williams wobler. Nada. 8 bass though.
  9. Slightly off topic. My bear bait in Muskoka has at least 5 different bears at it thru the week on the trail cam. Funny thing, I've been going to my cottage near there for 30 years, and have not once seen a bear. Grandparents have been there for 70 years, and have only had a handfull of bear encounters. They are everywhere. We only see a very very small percentage of them.
  10. Thanks for the detailed response Marc. I know several of us where checking the posts a few times a day hoping you would find some time to make some comments.
  11. Weird week for sure. Makes the vacation that much nicer though! Glad you got into some fish
  12. Scary stuff for sure. The Oakville case, not only did they owner loose their boat, but also caused significant damage to his neighbours boat. I wonder what kind of polution was released in to the water. Does anyone know what the firefighters use to put fires out on the water like that? It looked like foam..
  13. I run the 570. No complaints.
  14. Looking good! glad someone cold get some use out of it. How long before all the paint burns off the outside? And how did you cut the steel with out that thing blowing up? Maybe I'm a little un-educated, but a few weeks ago that was full of fuel.. Does diesel not light on fire with sparks?
  15. It may be to far for you, but I've heard very positive feedback from a place called Rocky's in Orillia.
  16. How do the snakehead taste. Are the comparable to other native fish for flavour?
  17. The Fraser is very high on my bucket list. That things a tank.
  18. X3 for LSPP. Never been, but have herd great things about Killbear.
  19. Something a little more themes for this site.! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKbUtoV7fMQ
  20. I've discovered lots of new Music on this thread. Hope it lasts for ever
  21. Sorry that you had to go through that Mike. My Grandpa is in a similar situation right now. Waiting for a big operation, but it's taking forever to get the final tests done before they can finalize the plan of attack for the operation (Aortic Aneurysm). If I can only give you one peace of advice, is would be to spend as much time as you can with him, and like others said, just listen and chat. Even if it’s a weekly phone call, or quick visit. It can only help right.
  22. NAW


    Going to bait this weekend. Looking forward to my first bear hunt this fall.
  23. Was there last week and did not pay. I herd they put a machine in, but where not planning on charging people till next year. Not 100% sure. It's just a matter of time before you have to pay. And yes, you pay to park, not to launch.
  24. NAW


    How far north we talkin here?
  25. Mouth watering. I like your style. Nothing fancy, just some fish in a pan.
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