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Everything posted by NAW

  1. On a side note. It is very nice to be able to cook a full meal on the deck. My wife picked the BBQ out from a TSC catalogue with out taking measurements. I would never have picked a grill out this size. But now that I have it, I am really liking it!! No more "rounds" of burgers!
  2. These are some great replies so far! Thanks everyone! I think I am going to invest in a really good brush. The ones I have are dollar store grade. I like the idea about the tile. Maybe a black ceramic. Steel rod is a great ideas too. I think I can get my hands on some 7/16 Thomson shafting.
  3. I finally own my very first brand new BBQ. I've been getting free hand-me-downs and fixing them up. Been through 3 in the last 10 years. I'm glad I finally have something that will last! My question is this... The grills are about a 1/2" shorter then the slot they fit in to. So when you put some elbow grease in to the wire brush, it slams steel on steel on each push and pull. Makes one hell of a loud noise. I'm sure you've all ran in to this at least once in your life? The grill is in the lower end market, so I kind of expected small things like this. I want to wedge something between the grill and the sheet metal slot they fit in. But am having trouble thinking of a good material. Here's what I've been running through my head. It can't melt, or burn. Give of any fumes at all in high heat. It can't be a size on size fit because it will be tough to get the grills in and out for the annul cleaning For the reason above, the grills will still rattle a little, even if I close the gap. Soft material to dampen the impact when cleaning I know there are some clever minds out there. Anybody got any suggestions on material? Tried to Google it, and only came up with Rattle Snake recipes! Here's a few shots of her test run last weekend.
  4. Great report Chris. A little Erie though.. We have the exact same fish finder, beer cozy, GPS, and we drink the same cheap beer! Brothers from another mother I guess... I believe we both run Bravo's as well..... We've got to meet up and go fishing sometime!
  5. Looks like a nice day on the water. Nice report man!
  6. I was cranking an old Evenrude 85 with my deep cycle the other weekend. Turned it over no problem at all. Not sure if it's recommended though..
  7. I caught a laker on Simcoe one year ice fishing. Someone had left a night line set up, with just a spool of line sitting on the ice. I never saw it. The laker was hooked up on the night light, who knows for how long. Just circling around under the ice, with about 100 ft of line.. Sad really. Until it pulled enough line, and got tangled up with my line. I pulled in my lure, and there was another line attached to it, so I hand bombed that line, and there was a nice laker on the other end!
  8. holly bugs! Those go-pros are awesome. We where riding single track last weekend, and got a chance to try one out as well. Very cool! I have also heard really good things about the Contour camera. I think that is what the dude on Uncut Angling always has hanging off the side of his melon. You might want to check them out too. No case needed, they are waterproof out of the box. A little less bulky I think. http://store.contour.com/
  9. There is one spot on my toe that gets bit at least once or twice a year. In the exact same spot. And my entire foot swells up. Not sure why...
  10. First off... Welcome to OFC! I live in the area, and have always wanted to try for Pike there. Some friends of mine have done well there in the past. But like Cudz said, you really never know what you might pull our the Notti..
  11. My neighbour has one. Heating and cooling. Used a sand point well to get cold water in the summer. Lots of work cutting and bucking wood. Constantly having to stoke the fire. Smoke smell all winter long. And some maintainace issue as he bought used... That being said. He LOVE it, and will never go back to electric... He has a 100 acre bush lot for a wood source. And no neighbours close by to bother with the smoke. You can add a solar powered pump to make the water flow faster, and increase the efficiency even more... So I've been told... I am still on the fence about it. And in no rush to make my desision. If gas is an option (either a tank, or hard Plummed from the road) I would think that is a much better option.
  12. That's awesome. Fished near there. But to honest, I had no idea those falls where there. Gunna have to check it out!!
  13. Absolutely make the call!! That's what warranties are for.
  14. Those are some great shots! Glad you guys could make the best of the situation.
  15. That video is wicked Simon! I love his little Kiai during the finishing blow!
  16. Good on you guys for toughing it out in the conditions. Tasty looking 70th B-day!
  17. Mmmmmmmmm...... Ppppppppiiike!!
  18. I thought it was an official race. But when i texted him to ask what the race was called he said it was the "Annual (Insert your name here) Act of Stupidity Invitational"!! 100km trail in Killarny called the La Cloche Silhouette trail. The trail is classed as "high risk". They made him sign a form saying that if he gets lost, the SAR bill will be sent in the mail...
  19. Don't get me wrong S.. I love my 870 for it's reliability. I never said they weren't a reliable gun, and my 870's (I own 2) have never let me down. I said they rust like crazy.. And it's a real piss off for me. I know Kevin, and I think it would be a real piss off for him too. The 870 combo gun is the Express model. Maybe the 870 wingmaster's don't rust as bad? I have hunted in the morning in the rain, and my gun was starting to rust before the time I got home in the evening. Every time it gets wet, I have to disassemble everything short of the trigger and clean and oil everything. Did I get a poor mill run? Does anyone else have this issue with a new 870 express? My 1100 from the 70's has not one spec of rust on it. I've gone on weekend camping trips where it has rained all weekend, and my gun was soaked the entire time. NOT one spec of rust...
  20. No kidding FF. I don't think i will ever be able to run a full 42km ever with my knee in it's current condition. When I really want to stretch out my distance, I'll hop on my road bike and throw down a 75km ride. It's nice to fell the wind in your face. And WOW Victor, your a rocket!! There's no hope in hell of me ever holding a pace like that for more then a few KM.
  21. I run with a patella band to stop my runners knee from getting any worse. They work great! That pretty much sums it up! It's like meditation, or yoga.. Very relaxing, when you not in pain!
  22. Try a few guns out Kevin, The cheap 870 combo package you can get is crap. I have one. They rust like crazy. Stay away from them. I have not heard anything negative about the mosburg combo package you mentioned. The choice to go pump or semi depends on the shooter. My vehicle has a manual transmission, My boat is a tiller, and my primary use guns are all pumps.
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