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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I was living near said 'residence' at the time. I think I spent the entire time trying to find a girl to spend it with... Rather than sitting back an enjoying the silence. Wow, things have changed a lot in 10 years!
  2. I guess you can't escape it no matter how far north you live!!
  3. Wow mike! What a great report! Really great to see the endless pics of those young lads hoisting all those eyes!!
  4. NICE!!! Beet ya that ones on Facebook!
  5. Glad to see a report from you Jeremy! To bad it had a crappy ending. Brutal. It was surely an accident (I hope), but the fact that he totally ignored you afterward is ridiculous. I wonder if a call to the cops would have accomplished anything?
  6. That's one hell of a crappy story man. Made me feel a little sick to my stomach reading it to be honest. I'm glad you where all Alive and able to tell the story. Who knows what was running through his mind. Hopefully it was an honest mistake. That being said, people have to pay for their mistakes. That's life. I hope you get compensated. Keep us posted!
  7. Thanks guys! I'm gunna enjoy these times while I can. Soon he will be out fishing me!
  8. With a little help from Dad! Off the dock at the family cottage last weekend. My wife came over the snap a few pics of us fishing. And just so happened to catch Alex's first fist on camera. Hook set and all! Alex's favorite part about fishing is chewing on the rod handle. We (I) felt some taps, so I pulled rod out of his mouth, and set the hook! He was pretty interested in this little sun fish!
  9. Ya. The morning started out great. Was really hoping for some top water. Brian and I with our sippy cups heading for the cabbage patch. Brian's float tube rig. I would have snapped a shot of you battling the white caps in your float tube..... But I didn't want to drop my phone in the drink!
  10. I found these waders earlier today hanging on a fence. They belong to a Veteran OFC'r. After a little thought, and a few Busch Ice. I have decided to hold these waders ransom. The price? One "guided" fishing outing. Either beating the banks this fall. Or somehow fandangeling me a morning on Terry's new rig!!
  11. It is an amazing place for sure. It would have been nice to spend more time there. It needs a week or two. He has had harder falls before. But he was in the tent, and there was a rock under the tent... He took that right off the cheek. It'l toughen him up! Don't worry Wayne. I kept our relationship on the D.L. Small world about the Dutch couple. Thanks Cudz. I'll be going back for sure, so I'll keep that in mind. Coors light with a different label... So..NO! But my wife loves it. Thanks Moose. The boy loves cold beer cans.. That's actually what we used to put on his cheek after the first fall....
  12. We just returned this evening from from doing the big loop around Georgian Bay. We took some OFC advice and stayed at the Mantoulin Resort. Alex helping load the cooler! We took the Ferry across. That was a great experience. Nice calm waters for my wife, who is not a fan of big boats. It was our first time taking the young lad camping. And things started out rough with a bruised cheek bone and bloody lip within the first 2 hours of being at the campsite! He is 11 months, and learning to walk. So lots of accidents waiting to happen. I borrowed a kayak from a friend, and geared it up. Due to little free time, and poor weather, my fishing was limited to about 2.5 hours this morning. Managed a pike on my first cast! But just scenery shots after that!... I couldn't get out and explore due to the winds. Manitou is a big lake, and can chop up good. Still had a good time though! And first time landing a fish in the kayak was a blast! The Island is amazing. I want to go back in a few years when Alex is older. Some general shots of the ride. Sorry there's not much fish porn....
  13. BBBOOOOYYYAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! That is fantastic news! And to boot, I work a 5 minute walk from there!
  14. NAW

    Porta Bote

    No advice, as I have never used one before.. But I did get a chuckle out of their website... Some co-op student had a blast on Photoshop!
  15. I have never had any issues returning things to Canadian Tire. And trust me, I have returned a lot of things. It seems a few times a year, something I get there is just not up to par, and gets returned for full refund,. Never had any issues at either of the locations in Barrie were I do most of my CT shopping. I've actually returned things thinking they would for sure not accept the return.. Walked out shaking my head in disbelief, with cash in my hand. So my experiences with crappy tire is 100% different from yours by the sound of it. Edit... I have also bought a floor model from them before... Minkota Trolling motor....
  16. Top water. just for excitement of it! That would have been great to see!
  17. I saw some video from Calanadar, looks a bit messy!
  18. I hear ya about the wild ride home Bri! I got a call from my wife saying she was heading to the neighbours storm cellar with my 10 month old boy... So I left work immediately. Driving up the 400, gettin of at horseshoe, and I hear they just sited a funel cloud at 27 and horseshoe... (This was after 3pm) My wife just drove through there 20 minutes earlier with the boy... Sounds like we both nearly got to see our first funnel cloud!!!
  19. I hear ya about the wild ride home Bri! I got a call from my wife saying she was heading to the neighbours storm cellar with my 10 month old boy... So I left work immediately. Driving up the 400, gettin of at horseshoe, and I hear they just sited a funel cloud at 27 and horseshoe... (This was after 3pm) My wife just drove through there 20 minutes earlier with the boy... Sounds like we both nearly got to see our first funnel cloud!!!
  20. Wife just called and said a Tornado just hit Owensound!
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