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Everything posted by NAW

  1. So my plans for this weekend have not gone exactly as i thought they would. But I am still on track for tomorrow. I ended up having to stay an extra hour at work on Friday, so that kibosh-ed my plans to get the boat ready on Friday night. nd this morning, my K9 SAR training went a little longer than expected. And then I got side tracked at Trombley's on the way back from training, sizing up a team-mate for her first compound bow. Lucky for me, I have a very understanding wife. She let me take off for a few hours tonight. I got the boat in the water, and my spots baited! I know there are likely more riveting threads happening on OFC right now. But I have been eagerly awaiting launching my boat for a few weeks now. So I thought I would share some pictures with you guys. This morning at my SAR training. It was a nice morning to be in the bush. I'll take spring snow over spring rain any day. This was a nice wetland we where searching near. Our "victim" (SAR Volunteer) found a nice sheltered spot to sit and hide while it was snowing. But that didn't stop our K9. She's a vetran SAR K9, with lots of experience. She picked up his sent 250 meters away, and bolted straight to him. The "victims" job is to keep quiet until we get there. So for a few minutes while we smashed thru the bush, she was barking her brains out in his face 6" from his ear! Poor guy... And to boot. She whaled him in the crotch twice afterwards, when she got her reward toy.. Both times dropped him to his knees. SAR volunteers like that deserve a pat in the back.. Here is my launch site across the road from my house. Couple shots of the area. The Merc fired right up. Can't really complain with that. I bet these folks thinks I'm half retarded.. Dropped these in two locations near a decent sized creak that flows in to the lake. About 4' of water is the deepest I could find... Well see what tomorrow brings. The floater suite was on. And the snow as flying. I hope I don't have to shovel her out tomorrow morning. Even if I don't get a sniff... It will be nice to get out on the water for a morning.
  2. Talking to some folks that where driving from out Ottawa way toward my place. And they had a few detours because of closed roads. All due to flooding.
  3. So watching the news. They have caught the guy. And he is alive. So they say. The town people where cheering and clapping as the ambulance drove by carrying the suspect. I wonder what is running through the bombers head at that point. "Hey, their cheering for me!!"
  4. Nobody has been out yet because pike and bass are closed. And I don't know if people eat fish from little lake.
  5. My guess is that he is already dead... Somewhere in the search grid.. They will find his body soon. That's my guess... If he where alive chances are he would have moved and been caught (shot) by now...
  6. The woman is defending her family, I can respect that... But the evidence is there.. Heck, they where hanging out of a stolen vehicle, throwing bombs at the police for christ sake... What more evidence do you need? I just watched a video of the kids Uncle. He is pissed off. Screaming at them, calling them looser. Saying they where out of control. And the father had no influence on them. Said the family will never forgive them. And if the one son is listening, to turn him self in, and seek forgiveness from the families of the victims Total different mentality then the Aunt from T.O. Saw a interview with the Dad too. He also thinks they have some how been set up as well....
  7. Might as well. I don't think I will have time to go for carp once the tasty fish seasons open up! Might as well giver now!
  8. Herd this morning. Some seriously crash stuff happenned last night. Security guard shot. Car jacking. Car chase, with explosives being thrown at the police. Through a residential area. Big gun fight. Cops injured, bomber killed. One guy away, and now there is a massive man hunt. WILD
  9. What area are you looking for? I can think of a few hundred thousand spots off the top if my head.
  10. This is GREAT! I'm sitting on my back deck, laptop in lap, rounding off a 10 hour day. And is 17 DEGREES out here. Good thing I have a beer to keep me cool!!

    1. Christopheraaron
    2. irishfield


      Was 28C in Cambridge when we came out after daughters thesis defence at 5:30

  11. This is GREAT! I'm sitting on my back deck, laptop in lap, rounding off a 10 hour day. And it's 17 DEGREES out here. Good this I have a beer keeping me cool!

  12. I really appreciate the help from everyone here! Thanks to you guys, I'll be going in with a few tricks up my sleeve. Here's my plans. Critiques are welcome. Just keep in mind I work 60 hour weeks, and have a 7 month old boy at home... Time is limited. Friday night - Get the tinner ready to be put in for the season. Saturday afternoon- Launch the boat, and bait 3 or 4 potential spots. Just going with canned corn for now. 1 can at each spot. Sunday monring - Check the bait locations. Fish the spot with the least amount of corn first. Sunday afternoon - Register a big fat carp with the Queen. Thanks again everyone for the help!
  13. Good old beavers! Gotta love em!!
  14. I think you mean duckworth.. And I don't think you can park there anymore... I'm sure you could find a place to toss in a canoe... Or the guy who runs the launch doesn't charge much to park there.. A few bucks..
  15. I've dumped a canoe in there for free about 10 years ago. Not sure if you are still allowed to these days. Not likely!
  16. It's the launch at Lawrence Park. It's a pay launch. You can also rent the pontoon boats there.
  17. The Tiffen launch needs a few more day of warm weather. But she's close!
  18. Water level is up big time this spring. I wonder if it's like this every spring? I know the water level this past summer where very very low.. This is the launch...
  19. So I just get some cow corn from one of the neighboring farms. Boil it for a while in water, then I'm good to go? Or do you mix in some ingredients to make it taste better while it's boiling?
  20. Wow!! 4-5 gallons!!!!! I was thinking a few handfuls.. How big of an area do you spread that out over?
  21. They are reporting no deaths so far. Seems weird considering the damage. They reported that you could "feel" the explosion in Dallas 100km away. How could that not kill anyone?
  22. You guys catching this? http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/17/us/texas-explosion/index.html Watching the new right now, and they are saying that it levelled a large area of homes, including a nursing home.
  23. Thanks Fang. I appreciate it! That is very similar to what I had in mind. Thanks for the photo. That's great man! Do you do anything to make the bread stick to one specific spot on your line? I remember that one. I'll dig it up. Thanks! Chumming the area shouldn't be a problem. It's about 200 yards from my house! I've seen the sling shot idea. I may give that a try just for the fun of it!
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