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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Don't do it!! I love the colts, but I think the nights are going to slam them...
  2. "Since its high point in 1997, we’ve lost two metres of water" That's is insane. I used to launch from Vic Harb. I think that launch is not longer usable. They where planning to dredge it, but I herd they are second guessing that now too...
  3. Old iron maker, reading your post this morning made me smile ear to ear!!! It made my morning.. Thanks man!!
  4. For sure, that's going to be a solid series! Go colts go!
  5. Thanks Chad! I really hope he enjoys fishing as much as I did as a kid!
  6. There's a very good chance that will happen! Beginners luck right.
  7. Thanks man! Gotta get him an infant life jacket. Hopefully before Walleye opener.!! Giant Tiger has awesome jumpers! Cheap too! Thanks Roy. I'm very happy that he enjoys the out doors. Our relationship it starting off very very well! Thanks Blizz. I am sure once he learns how to type on a keyboard, he'll have an account on OFC!!
  8. That's it. Trust me. It's happened to me a few times before!
  9. I noticed the pup was looking a little burley! We trimmed our dog down last weekend. She's lovin it!
  10. Good stuff Bruce. Lookin prim and proper with the beard all trimmed up! Spring crappie fishing with family is hard to beat!
  11. He has a striking resemblance to his mother. Thank God!!! I am pushing it as on option, there's no doubt about that!! Fresh air is good for them!
  12. I made it out with my son for a few hours today. He was a champ. Just the best little guy I could possibly ask for. He didn't make a peep the entire time out. I had a nice report written up... But I accidentally closed the webpage, and lost it all. (flipping back and forth between PB).. I don't have time to write it up again SO.. Here's a pile of pictures. I hope you enjoy. I sure did!! This was his first time going fishing with Dad! The fish count sucked... Lost 3 at the shore. Landed Zero. Looks YUMMY!!! Oh Ya.. That's GOOD!!!! Mouth Watering! Back for seconds.. He was interest in my reel. Nap Time.. Some promo shots for Roy! He's a cute kid!
  13. Bang Gerrett. That sucks. I had planned on taking my boy for a walk today in the woods out back to check for fiddleheads. I am going to have to do more research on these little buggers. Do they hang out in packs/swarms.. Or would there just be one or two hanging around? I don't even know what to look for to avoid them in the bush.
  14. Sunscreen - check! We picked some up last week.
  15. No kidding. That is one heck of a video.!
  16. I'm going fishing tomorrow. I'll grab some if I see me. But they are not up on my house yet.
  17. Thanks Gerrett! I have my camp pack converted into a diaper bag. Good call on the cozy blanket.
  18. So my son is only 8 months old. But he loves getting packed in the snugly and going for walks in the woods. I know a few local places with a good solid shoreline. Gunna head out in the afternoon weather dependant. Cast a few spinners. See what happens.! Have any of you guys done this before? Any last minute pointers / comments?
  19. I signed a petition they had at my local convenience store regarding that! I'll have to fire up the still!
  20. Ahh.. The official start to the search and rescue season! I love fiddle heads! I didn't realize there where ones that could make you sick..? I'll have to do a little more research before I go out this season.
  21. I just noticed.. First pic.. Truck stuck... 4th pick, Truck at beer store!
  22. Looks like you got her burried pretty good. How long did that take to get out? Thanks for the pics!
  23. Thanks Mike. I made it out for an hour or so. I didn't see any fish near where I baited. But I did see a few on the other side of the lake. No takers. Might have to give that a try if I'm ever down that way. Thanks very much for the tips! I did try along the north shore for a bit. But didn't see any fish. I'll keep checking along there. I know they are there. I just need to find them.
  24. I'm not sure what's up with Photobucket... I posted these pics the same as I always have.. and for some reason, when you click on the picture to see the actual size, it takes you to a photobucket page... That's different.
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