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Everything posted by Lunkerhunter

  1. I have owned a bps pro qualifier suit and have to say I prefer the cabelas guide wear over the bps suit. I also have a frabill f4 suit but have only wore it a couple of times so can't say how it stands up over time. The Cabelas suit I have had for 3 years now and still very good. Holding up better than the bps one did
  2. the new plano muskie box looks good. as does the new abu Garcia revo toro beast muskie reel. I am curious to see how this performs next to the Calcutta and tranx.
  3. Lol 7!! Dude I have my hands full with 2. Congrats and Best of luck
  4. ok perfect. thank you guys. I will prob go with that unit as well. much appreciated
  5. Hey everyone. I am looking to buy a new handheld GPS. I am looking to see what everyone recommends. I will be using it for fishing mostly so I was thinking maybe a garmin as they have the inland lake maps for ontario. Anybody have any feedback on the units you guys are using. Any info is much appreciated.
  6. that was a fun weekend away pete! and yes you had the mojo going up on restoule for sure. kicked all our butts funny how things can be so different when you switch bodies of water. the next time I fish restoule will definitely be when the weeds are established.
  7. Great video Steve. Looks like a blast
  8. mike if your looking for twin 10's let me know. a buddy of mine is making very nice baits and can hook you up. I have never purchased from fudally. but doesn't sound like good customer service so far hope all works out for you
  9. Alcohol, tobacco and prescription pills have zero impact on the above mentioned side effects either right? Short and/or long term memory loss is a walk in the park compared to the negative effects of prescription pills, alcohol and tobacco. Come On now let's be real about this
  10. The luhr jenson hook file is by far the best one on the market. Also swap out your stock hooks with eagle claw 4x strong hooks.
  11. I fully support the use of medical marijiuana and have seen the direct positive impact it has on several people in my life. I think it is ridiculous that the Canadian government says you can smoke it but cant eat it. I am glad there is some movement in the right direction in our country regarding marijuana laws for med patients.
  12. I drove up to timmins 2 weeks ago and stopped by most of the bait shops along the way for leeches. most expensive was billy bobs in north bay @ $ 60 per pound cheapeast was gramps place in temagami @ $ 45 per pound
  13. I recieved a shipping confirmation today
  14. Glide bait or bucktail for sure
  15. Headed there for muskie In a few weeks. Any body from this site ever target muskies out there . Staying at martins camp.
  16. My biggest is 55 from lake of the woods.
  17. I placed my order as well. I use them during chilly mornings when driving the boat. Also throughout the fall to keep my face from getting too cold. They are also great when driving through lots of bugs. Keeps em out of your face haha I find them a bit warm during the real hot days but I sweat my ass off During all types of weather. I will throw one on if I feel like I'm burning.
  18. Called minnkota advised me to plug back in and leave flashing green for at least 24 hours. If still flashing get the batteries tested. I will let you know. They did advise flashing green was still a full charge but eventually it should shut off.
  19. I have 2 optima blue tops hooked up to it. Both doing the same thing. And sorry I should have mentioned they are both flashing green. After a few days still flashing green not solid green like they normally do. Batteries are one year old
  20. hey guys a quick question. after my last trip I plugged in my on board charger and everything looked normal. after a few days I went and checked on my boat and noticed the charger was still charging. I disconnected my charger and hooked up a battery meter and the batteries were fully charged. any ideas why the charger did not shut off and show that the batteries were fully charged? I am using a minnkotta on board charger. is it pooched? its only a couple years old. your help is greatly appreciated
  21. I headed out the other day in search of some jumbos on lady simcoe. We were hoping we were able to get the fish before the spawn and as soon as we got there we could see schools of thousands of fish. many big ones in the huge schools as well so we immediately began casting at the big girls but none would eat! it was dead calm and clear as glass. we figured we were in trouble. i immediately started to doubt our decision to bypass the minnows on the way to the lake and figured during a tough bite it may have been wise to bring along some minnows. just as i started to wonder the wind picked up a bit and a little ripple was on the water. and we started catching fish. turned out to be one the best days perching i have ever experienced. biggest of the day was just over 14 inches but we landed quite a few between 12 and 14 inches throughout the day. here is the biggest one of the day. my buddies biggest. another 14 incher couple jumbos slabs! gotta love it when things come together. the fish definetely wanted us to slow right down with our presentations but after a little fine tuning we cracked the code. they were extremely tasty. haha
  22. the hot bite continued as we landed fish after fish. and then we hooked into something that fought a little different. i saw it headshake above the water and said no way i think its a pike!! haha well wouldnt you know released the pike as another rod buckled and another... as the evening progressed the bite slowed in our spot so we moved again and found some more active fish. a couple fatties too! landed a bunch more fish in the 5-10 pound range that didnt even get the net moving haha. boat side releases for anything under 15 pounds all of a sudden. after a full day of pounding some catfish we decided to call it quits. an amazing 46 catfish landed in one day. over a dozen over 15 pounds to boot. what a day. thanks for reading. enjoy the pics
  23. I had a day on the grand river a few weeks that is worth writing about. It all started when my cousin who doesnt fish too often called me in february and asked if i could take him out fishing this spring and immediately i thought of the amazing channel catfish on the grand river that i love to chase every april and may. So we set up a random saturday in April as typically it starts to heat up near the end of april and hope for some good weather as the weekend approached. As we had a pretty cold march i wasnt sure when the first day of fishing out of my boat would be but i was remaining hopeful that the grand river would open up and those kitty cats would start to feed! i finally received news that the grand had opened a week or so before my scheduled trip with my cousin and his friend so i started to get the boat all rigged up and ready to go. I have to say i absolutely love that transition period when i am putting the sled away and start to get the boat all rigged up as i know what amazing adventures are up ahead. so i hit the river the tuesday before the weekend and had a decent day with i think 10 or 11 channel cats landed but the water was still very cold and only a few spots were holding fish. saturday arrived my two guests for the day were very excited to get out there, neither had ever caught a channel cat before let alone a fish over 10 pounds. Little did they know this day was going to spoil the hell out of both of them! haha We arrived at fishmasters in dunnville for sunrise and immediately set out to our first spot. the anticipation was high for that first catfish but of course the first spot was slow. we set up and waited.....and waited... for about 1.5 hours when i was just about to move to the next spot and boom the first rod buckles. turns out to be an awesome fish at just over 15 pounds. fish fought like a champ and my buddy was happy. success! haha as i mentioned the fishing was slow so we decided to move to another spot even though we just banged one and i am glad we decided to move. as we pulled into the next spot the river was alive, fish swirling everywhere as my boat was spooking fish all over the place. fish jumping, frogs croaking, birds chirping it was awesome. we get all the rods set up and again the wait begins. within 5 minutes we had the first fish in the boat and over the next few hours we put on a clinic. after a handful of fish the boys let me reel one in! happend to be a tanker just over 18 pounds next was a beauty double header just as the boys sparked a couple cigars report continued
  24. just an fyi I don't think anyone would agree with the numbers they provided for the 2015 ice fishing season. I was just pointing out the fact that those were the MNRF's official numbers for the 2015 on lake scugog with regards to walleye fishing this past winter
  25. they had several people out between 7 am and 5 PM conducting the creel survey , 40 of the 60 days of the ice fishing season in fact. it could have been that you were fishing outside of 7 and 5 pm. apparently they have to be off the water by dark
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