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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. I would look to ice fish river mouths or creeks. With the current normally there are some fish around. although often unsafe so lots of holes drill to be safe. Then I would do what someone else already suggested and scout the shore for some fire wood. Cheers!
  2. yeah i ddint see any pics that looked bad to me. Well thanks for your report to bad you guys didnt get any fish but nice to be out anyway im sure! THanks for the report! Cheers!
  3. i heard that there is 10-12 inches on the east end of nipissing but people are warned to still be cautious out there. THanks for the heads up about the west arm. Cheers!
  4. Chicks dig scares!!!! Hope you have a speedy recovery! Cheers!
  5. you got me onthe first one then i actually thought about the questions and got the rest right. Cheers!
  6. nice report!!! And its 2-0 for the good guys! Cheers!
  7. wow awesome videos! I enjoyed them alot!
  8. interesting contraption you built there! I can't wait to hear your report with it! Cheers!
  9. last year i think at the same spot about 10 cars went through while parked on the ice. maybe we should send the guy the ice safety chart that we have floating around here! Cheers!
  10. i was talking to a guy yesturday form kingtson and he was up on big gull lake 20 minutes north of kaladar ice fishing the smaller bays, said he caught 2 walleye and a bunch of small perch Cheers!
  11. i have cusotmers in windsor and if anybody is from that area they surely know how bad it is getting. Its rather sad to think about it. The auto industry was one of the single biggest economic booms in history and its could be extinct soon.
  12. i think i will have to watch the show this on saturday! CHeers!
  13. i have seen them used before looked to work ok. CHeers!
  14. what an awesome looking fish! Cheers!
  15. this cold weather should help with the ice! CHeers!
  16. was half on the bag last night and when the wife was driving me home i thought i saw a gas station that said 72.0 i woke up and thought it was a dream until i read this post! Its a throw back to the early 90's lol Cheers!
  17. born and raised to bleed blue and white! But man are those young kids on the pens something else to watch or what? Could be the next great team? Cheers!
  18. zellers stores tend to take over empty walmarts. is there a zellers in the area?
  19. nice report! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  20. Walmart is a customer of mine and I was in that old wardon store on Thursday. I picked up some berkly gulp that they had in the back room that was ready to be cleared out. Apparently the new store will have a kick --- fishing section in the spring. The Vaughan and brampton stores also had some fishing stuff on clearance last week to. Cheers!
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