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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. that is too cool!!!! would love to see that sometime! CHeers!
  2. i rememebr reading about that a few years ago. Wonder if they will do anything about it?
  3. try the rideau lakes. huge bass in them! The renfrew area has many smaller lakes that have good fishing with mild fishing pressure. Or even the land of lakes area (kashwakamak, Big gull, Skootamtta, crotch) All within a couple hours drive from you with good fishing. Cheers!
  4. that is a great first trip out on a boat! nice report! cheers!
  5. This is a very sad thing. THis is very unfair. my condelences to the family. i cant imagine losing my child. special hugs today for sure when i see him.
  6. glad you came out ok from the boat tip over. Good on you for wearing a life jacket. Cheers!
  7. when i fish alone i always were a life jacket. I have fished nipissing about 6 times this year and i cant tell you how many solo's are out there not wearing life jackets. Sure makes you wonder.... Sorry to the family and friends of this guy! Be safe out there!
  8. awesome smallies! that lake sure does pump out the monster bass! Cheers!
  9. got up at 330am and couldnt get back to sleep so i tried to check it out tonight for half hour. didnt see much but it was a nice night to be awake. The peek is sunday am. Cheers!
  10. great report! That was one big bass! Cheers!
  11. my in laws live in north bay and we saw the water bomber coming in at that evening. very impressive aircraft! Cheers!
  12. i had a buddy tell me the fishing is great up there still. apparently your pics are the proof! Nice report and those are some monster bass!!! Cheers!
  13. nice report. that was one interesting launch! cheers!
  14. yes all is right in my world again. back tyo the normal skin. cheers!
  15. very good report! I enjoyed that alot! Cheers!
  16. nice report! Some nice looking bass! Cheers!
  17. very very impressive report! i loved the back lake adventure. thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  18. wow nice report! SOme great looking musky you got into. Sure is a nice way to spend acouple weeks away from the big smoke! Cheers!
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