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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. wow what a great report! Huge musky! Cheers!
  2. changed for me this morning. like a blueish grey Cheers!
  3. wow those are some huge bass!!!!!!!!! Cheers!
  4. wow those are some awesome pics!
  5. yeah it will very from lake to lake but i have been using yum dingers and getting lots of fish with them this summer. nothing to big but the small ones keep biting which is better then nothing. Early morning and late evening use top water! Cheers!
  6. P.S. the musky was good deep fried in a Texas batter. hmmm not sure that will go over very well with our musky boys here.
  7. was up that way last weekend. caught lots of fish but none to big. very nice area! cheers!
  8. nice to see some good news coming from scarlem for a change. Cheers!
  9. glad we could help! Hope you win! Cheers!
  10. hope you have a good time. as for hot spots im sure if the lake is that small you will find them . Good luck! Cheers!
  11. i work in the industry. i am very familar with homehardware, rona, home depot and every other customer in the hardware industry. you work for a corporation so if you are looking for a management position then you will run into some frustrations. There is a serious problem with communication from head office to the store level. if your just hanging your hat for a few years then you will love it at store level. Rumors out there are saying the box store division will be sold off to lowes. (just rumors) but it makes sense. if so i understand they treat there employees like gold. cheers!
  12. those are some beauty smallies!!!! cheers!
  13. great report! loved the video! cheers!
  14. wow that was alot of big walleye! Cheers!
  15. nice looking smallies you guys got into there! Cheers!
  16. lol mistyriver. I will tell him that ping sucks. but what should he be wearing? taylor made? Cheers!
  17. My buddy just picked up his new boat thursday night, so friday afternoon my brother and I tagged along for the maiden voyage. Since it was a brand new boat my buddy wanted to head to a lake that he is familar with. He has been cottaging on lake kashwakamak for years so we headed there. The fishing was decent. We didnt catch any size but we got alot of smallies. Here is the my friends new boat. A 16 foot legend with 60 4 stroke. Here is what we spent most of our time fishing for. a nice 4 pound smallie. the lake has potential for some really nice bass. Here is what we spent most of our time catching lol This is me with one of many smallies about this size. Now my brother isnt really a fisherman but he enjoyed the weekend and we did get him into some fish. Here is a really really small fish but my brother was happy because it was his first fish in about 10 years! \ No worries though we got him into a bigger fish! I had to put the camera away for the day as it was raining pretty good and thunderstorm warnings were out. Saturday night was one of the most relaxing nights I have ever had on the water. The moon was out and shining so bright across the lake. We were the only boat on the water. We did manage to catch some fish but the pics i took didnt turn out. We stayed out until about midnight. Sunday we got up and fished a good part of the day before we left. I caught around 10 fish with this being the biggest of the day. Like i said we caught alot of fish but didnt manage anything big. Here is a pretty cool pic of a tree that was uprooted from the big storm that blew threw the area a few years ago. Amazing power that storm must of had. We did manage to catch some really small pike. One was 11 inches lol I think the smallest pike i have ever seen. as well as some really small walleye. Sunday morning a float plane was taking off in front of us but the plane went out of view of my camera so i was pretty bummed i missed that shot. However, after an hour or so the guy came back and landed close by and I got a shot video of it landing. Here it is. hope it works! float plane landing Overall it was an awesome weekend. Lots of fishing! Lots of food! Lots of beer! Wish every weekend could be like that! Cheers!
  18. oh so sorry to hear about your dad! my condelences to you and your family.
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