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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. wow that is incedible. i would question why you wouldnt open the barn up though. A barn that big made out of block is not a normal storage barn Cheers!
  2. in southern ontario rain is on the way and warmer temps. That ice will be gone for sure. CHeers!
  3. i like the legend boats. the packages they sell have smaller hp motors so you may want to upgrade. Cheers!
  4. yeah that isnt really a good investment if your in snow country. i can see that thing getting stuck big time in the snow. I think i rather have a snobear. Cheers!
  5. that would be the smartest bird i haev ever seen! Cheers!
  6. i think i would keep any record fish. Not sure how much money it would bring but i think i rather have my name in the records books then the finacial gain from it if in fact there is any. I like the live release idea however how do you get to a certified scale with the fish still alive? my luck i would get fined for illegal trasportation of fish lol Cheers!
  7. i like the odd cigar while fishing is slow. Cheers!
  8. 12/20 i suck but i did get the grass pickeral one right! Cheers!
  9. Im up in north bay some small back lakes are frozen over but unstable. THere is about 10cm of snow from last night and another 10 coming. But rain and warmer temps will melt all the snow and ice in the next couple days. I think you are looking at late dec before you get any real safe ice. Hopefully it will be sooner then last year though. I talked to a guy in the south bay of nip who didnt get his huts out until feb last year. Be safe on the ice if you do try to go out this early. Cheers!
  10. 3 years here. dumaurier lights for 10 years Cheers!
  11. ok that was too cool! by far my favorite video so far! Cheers!
  12. Well as it turns out i will have one last chance next sunday fishing up in the parry sound area. I normally am not lucky enough to get out this time of year as its my busy season at work. The lake im fishing has walleye/sauger, smallmouth bass and pike. What type of bait should i be using in this cold water season and what should the presentation be? fast slow, big bait or small? Please help for all species above? Thanks! Cheers!
  13. that sucks man but your lucky you are ok. it oculd have been worse if it did go up and over. Cheers!
  14. i didnt hear about it unitl i watched coaches corner tonight. very sad news! i hope we can get our boys and girls home soon!
  15. well they sure showed the sens who could score tonight! Go leafs Go! Cheers!
  16. i wathced it this morning as well. it was an entertaining show! Cheers!
  17. bad thing or not it sure is one of the nicest looking fish i have ever seen in! Congrats of the catch! Cheers!
  18. i will say nipissing but for a good reason. I alot on here dont think lake nipisisng should be mentioned. but with the season being extended past the oct 15th closing of years past. you can now fish for muskie as they really put the feed bag on. I was in callandar in august and a guy live released a 59pound muskie in front of a mnr guy. The mnr guy told me that the fish woudl be a record if it was caught again in november. I never got to see the fish, i missed it by 10 minutes but did see the pictures on the guys digital camera. It was simpy the biggest fresh water fish i have ever seen! It was caught on a suick about 100 yards from shore. The mnr person sold me on the fact that there are huge muskie in nip. and the record is very possible to be caught there. wherever its caught it sure is going to be a montser of a fish. CHeers!
  19. i think he should be! while he was healthy he was the most dominate all round player player i have ever seen. when a pyhsical player like a wendal clark/cam neely or and eric lindros play there game there career is only going to last 7 or 8 good years. There body cant take it. If eric played like jagr he would still be in the top ten in scoring every year. his playing record for canada speaks for itself! minus the Bull he put quebec through he has been a class act his whole career. ALways doing charity work and promoting the game. the 5 million he dontated on thursday is the side most people dont know about lindros. Cheers!
  20. my year has been disappointing fishing wise. I have only been out a dozen times or so and i have not been out since the second week of july. The reason is i have a 1 1/2 year old son that isnt quite at the age to fish yet. in the next few years he sure will be though lol. The fishing i did do this year was great. A couple nights on my favorite lake ahmic lake in the spring. spent a week fishing the south shore of nipisisng. got lots of walleye and smallies. Spent a couple days on lake erie with a customer for some monter smallies. And did some shore fishing all over ontario in my travels for work. Was up in the north country a couple weeks ago but the west winds brought some dangerous rocking water with it so i didnt get out for my fall fish like i normally do. I would rate my fishing year as a 5 but my year in general as a 10. ANytime i can spend with my son is a 11!!!! CHeers!
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