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Everything posted by Hud

  1. some of it is knock off some refurbished. I've had great luck just be careful to the point made earlier in that sometimes the price is great only to see REALLY high shipping and handeling charges
  2. I'm in Brooklin and am planning on going. what day is the ticket for?
  3. sorry guys, this is probably a dumb question but is this a specific lake or does this happen everywhere? I have a hut that I"m hauling out next weekend and am glad I read this when I did
  4. darn job keeps getting in the way of me trying to win free tickets
  5. yep...either Saturday or Monday
  6. I don't think I've laughed as hard reading about a CO blitz lol
  7. uploaded a hand full. I need to convert form from .bmp to a usable format but it seems real easy to upload photos. I'll convert some and get a few more up. Pretty user friendly and easy to post. heop the feedback helps. Cheers!
  8. Remember when Tom and Jerry was considered violent?
  9. hope this helps, I moved here from the US about a year and half ago. I'm on a temp visa nad work permit and hope to get landed immigrant. What does this have to do with your son lol. Well 9 years ago I got a DUI. Same situation dumb move on my part and I learned a lot form the lesson. I visited Canada a bunch before moving here but at any time I could have been turned away at the border. I got lucky in that I came here for work so they didn't ask me many questions and by the time I was visiting for fun I had a bunch of stamps in my passport. In order for me to stay longer than this latest permit, I have to go through criminal rehab and that's costing me about $3K USD. Its messy and very time consuming. I knwo several guys that have been turned away trying to cross into Ontario at least with DUI's from as far back as just under a decade. I was told that anything over about 7 years is at the discression of the officer. I find it best (If your'e going to try it) to have a driver with a crystal clean record take their automobile and ride as many in one car as possible. Good luck!
  10. i got one for the holidays last year and really like it. Its not as sensitive as I might like but works great for walleye and pike. I don't use for perch or crappie as much
  11. not sure about getting your buddy out there. What I saw was packed but there are some drifts that would make it a bit tough depends on when you're looking at going. Its not supposed to be that windy on the bog but they are calling for snow this weekend good luck man
  12. Not sure if this helps or not but I in university I studied water quality and was taught that there are actually less tests and regulations on bottled water than tap water. (At least in the States) so have always just ran tap water through a filter. Anyway...hope it helps. Good luck on your project
  13. Hud


    It actually felt like you were watching a gold medal game. It wasn't a blow out or one sided at all. Both teams deserved to be there and showed they had the best teams of the tourny
  14. kind of what I thought but hey was the one with the badge and gun lol
  15. I rented an ice hut on the Bog last winter for the weekend. I had beds, stove, etc and there was an outhouse not 25 meters from the hut. I was told by OPP that I couldn't drink. I found that interesting. Lucky for me they showed up in the morning when all I had to show was empties.
  16. A Fisherman's Christmas by Michelle Leach ‘Twas the night before the big fishing trip and all through the camp the liquor had been stout and the fisherman were passed out. The waders were sitting by the back screen door, ready for an early start sometime around four. The men were all snuggled in sleeping bags and sofa beds with visions of trophy trout and reds dancing in their heads. When out on the dock there arose a loud noise, shakin’ the cabin and waking the boys. Pillows and blankets flew about the room, Eight mad fisherman to the door did zoom. They slung open the door and looked out to the bay, the moonlight above led the way. Down to the pier they couldn’t believe their eyes. Santa in a "Flats Cat" said "Hey, what’s up guys!" In bright red waders and a gleam in his eyes, he started handing out the supplies. Curados, Calcuttas and a couple of Lews, the fisherman weren’t really sure what to do. They each took a new reel and put it on a new rod, jumped on the boat and gave Santa a nod. Out on the water they found a perfect spot and started fishing without a second thought. Trophy reds and trout they caught on their line, they stopped at their limit and let out a sigh. What a great trip this had been. They secured all their gear and were ready for breakfast. "Is there a Denny’s around here?" Santa smiled and said, "Gentleman I’ve enjoyed your company but now I must go, got a few "honey-dos" lined up for today, ya’ know." "Keep the boat and all the new toys... I’ll see ya’ back at the pier next year and we’ll get ‘em again boys." He sprang to a shiny red boat that came out of no- where. Pulled not by reindeer, but. eight redfish and without a care. He whistled and shouted and called them by name: Now Shimano, now Lews, now Daiwa and Quantum! On Bekley, on Mustad, on Plano and Stren across the bay we heard him proclaim, Good fishing to all and to all a good day. As he flew out of sight the fisherman woke and said, "What a night!" They gathered themselves and blamed their headaches on the alcohol. Each popped a few Tylenol and never mentioned their fishin’ trip at all. You see none of them were really sure if anyone would believe they fished all night with that guy in red. They’d probably just tell them the liquor went to their head. But as they loaded their gear they glanced at the pier, and there sat that new boat with a cooler full of filets and a six-pack of beer. A little red note proved their case. Inscribed to his buddies, Santa did write, "Merry Christmas to all to all GET SOME SLEEP TONIGHT."
  17. thanks for posting. I was wondering how Buffalo was to visiting fans. I'm leaving in a few mins I think to see the Blackhawks play there tonight
  18. not going to sue anything lol try use instead. man, i think my work switched to decaff on me and didn't tell anyone.
  19. This year I'm going to sue this converted camper as an ice house. I have a portable but figure this one will be nice for weekends out.
  20. Ahh feasting all day while watching football. One thing I miss in moving here from the states. Cheers and have some extra stuffing!
  21. What are good intro models of Vex for ice fishing?
  22. looks like it starts right away at Jan 1. Some interesting changes. I agree the walleye slot is unique
  23. not sure if anyone else hass had this experience but I had one of their new signature walleye rods. I bought it a BPS. the first trip out it snapped. I got hung up on weeds and went to pull free next thing I know snap and I'm holding on to two pieces. I was with another board member and we both were shocked on how easy it snapped. I took it back (of course BPS exchanged it) but I went with another brand. Hopefully I'm the exception and now the rule
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