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Everything posted by Hud

  1. my BP would be the one that's in my signature. Just under 40". Ahh pike slime, its like fishing aftershave.
  2. Dave I appreciate your sense of humour in your show. hands down fishing is supposed to be fun. too many shows where the host doens't look like they're having fun. I do have a question about one of your sponsers. I must not be using their product correctly. See i eat subway but find myself built more like you than that Jerrod. Am I eating the sandwich starting from the wrong end? keep laughing Dave!
  3. nice job and you didn't even use duct tape.
  4. Mine is at Maximum marine in Port Perry. I can let you know soon how it went. (cross your fingers for me)
  5. Happy Canada Day everyone, I’m wondering if any of you have a boat mechanic that you recommend. I live in Brooklin so looking for someone ideally in either Port Perry or Whitby. Just having some rough running issues and would like it looked over real well. I’m just looking for a honest person that maybe someone has had good luck using. Thanks for the input. Cheers!
  6. Hud is the first 3 letters of my last name. My first name is Eric but when I was younger there were 4 Eric's that were part of the same group and it got confusing. I've been Hud ever since.
  7. if this person eats meat at all then remind her that meat doesn't really come from a grocery store. If she doesn't eat meat, I would just talk more about it. I like to put pics of some great cathes on my work lap top. Other than that I agree not to argue, you're not going to convince her so why waste the energy. I might be kind of funny to wear in one of those P3TA t-shirts (People Eating Tasty Animals)
  8. Should have my contact info now. let me knwo if it didn't work
  9. Hey Newfieman, Just move to the area about a year ago. I live not far from you and have been to Pigeon a few times. I have a 16' LUND that I take around. Maybe one of the weekends we should get line wet. I'm looking for folks to go fishing with
  10. I know that on this board I'm just a background character and my comment is just another in a string but for what its worth. I made the decision a while ago to go back to school and it was the BEST move I have ever made. It has made all the difference in my life. It will be tough but invest in yourself. best wishes.
  11. get some ear muffs at the tire and try that. I used them when I bought a boat a few months back. You can run it up to 10 mins http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...r%2BFlusher.jsp
  12. Dave, Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it. Hopefully I'll be posting some photos
  13. Hey everyone, Never been to Cameron but thinking about trying it this weekend. I prefer toothy critters. Not looking for anyone to give up a honey hole but just looking for any info on free boat ramps and some general feedback on the lake. any info is appreciated. thanks and tight lines.
  14. Thanks to all for the replies Very helpful. I seem to have found the right board. Cheers!
  15. Hello everyone. I'm new to the board, well actually new to the area. I live just outside of Whitby and just bought a used LUND. I took care of all the fun trailer stuff but have been told I still need to register my boat with Service Canada. What do I need to show these folks so that I can get my boat wet? Thanks eveyone!!! Also not sure if there are any fishing clubs in the area of Whitby? I'm looking to meet some fellow anglers and maybe some new fishing buds.
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