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Everything posted by Hud

  1. Got a trip planned in a couple of weeks. Going up near pickle lake again. Anyone near there or been there recently that can tell me what water levels are looking like? thanks!
  2. well alright havent done this since I first joined so its a good idea....lol Name is Eric. I tend to go by Hud. I live in Brooklin. Moved to Canada from the states about 4 years ago. Engaged to a lovely Canadian girl and getting married in a couple of months. I tend to prefer to fish for muskie, walleye and pike but hope to get the hang of steelies as well
  3. While I agree taht it depends on what "kind" of Mould you are dealin with, if you don't plan on having it tested then I would assume and handle as if it was "black mould". Your choice in PPE is correct but make sure you have the correct filters on your respirators. Particule matter should work fine. The only other thing you might consider to cover your a$$ is to have air monitoring completed. On your respirators, make sure they aren't just dust masks, those offer little to no protection. The green book doens't have a lot of info on mould but I've heard that they will reference the US and ACGIH standards. If you do all of that you should be fine. OH one other thing, if there is a lot, you will want to have some way for your team to decontaminate. good luck
  4. still parking at the go lot? maybe you can call them. there might be cameras?
  5. never tried for Gar but looks like a blast. how do they fight?
  6. got stopped on the Ripple. CO asked me for my fishing liscense. I offered to show boaters card and he said nah that was more of an OPP thing. thought ok whatever you want to see....
  7. I"ve always heard the same thing about reel magic but never tried for some of the same reasons
  8. If I had to pick just one it would be big pike on a buzz bait. I love the swirl especially when they miss it the first time and keep after it. My heart beats fast every time!
  9. I do environmental and safety for a career. PM me and I can offer some companies to do testing as well as cleaning along with some filtration for your home
  10. Hud

    G3 boats?

    Craig... you are the man!! lol I'm actually in the market for a new boat as well and some great pointers here man. Thanks!
  11. love it. I've had an Ugly Stick for almost 10 years now and while not a high end rod man it is solid. It's been on lots of long trips and should have broken many times by now. Hell I'll probably have it until I retire
  12. make one.... I made mine for really cheap. Works great. PM me and I'll share
  13. I've been a few times now and just arranged through where I was staying. This way I had no worries at all that it was safe and could relax and have a few bevies while fishing. I think I paid like $200 for most of a day
  14. went out of Destin a hand full of years back. We used Angry fish charters. Interesting capt. Had a decent day. Fishing was a little slow but seemed to be the few days before and after as well.
  15. Hud


    not trying to sway your decision but I went out this fall with a muskie guide that had a new LUND. Top of the line, it was a slick boat but he said he's had nothing but trouble with it and LUND wasn't really standing behind their work. just something you might want to research a bit before throwing down some serious coin. The older ones are still solid but a lot of the parts in newer ones are very lost cost good luck!
  16. did you end up getting out? How was the ice?
  17. years ago my job moved me to Texas. I lived there for just under 2 years. One thing that took a bit of getting used to were the signs outside of banks, bars and government offices that read "No Firearms Beyond this point" It took a bit of calibrating to realize that anywhere else people were probably armed.
  18. does the e smoke help when you're drinking (obviously it does) do you find it cures the craving. Drinking is the toughest time to not smoke
  19. Hud


    yeah, just figured I'd give this a go. Was a punt at best thanks
  20. Hud


    merry Christmas everyone. just researching some lakes as local ice is questionable. Has anyone been to Urbach lake? It looks like an intersting lake to ice fish. I"m not looking for a honey hole just looking for general impression/opinion of the lake. cheers all!
  21. Hud

    ice watch

    GBW... just yesterday you said you weren't as bad as me yet on checking ice..... hmmmm....
  22. Thisstarted in the US and some key things that are driving are theat they have removed any limits that a PAC (corporate) can donate. Its about the gov't giving money to corporations that in turn now have no limits on money they can give back to the politicans. Many of these banks gave crap mortgages to people there by defaulting and loosing their homes yet these banks get tax payer money (from the folks now homeless) and we still call is capitalism. do they make the Pete Mania muskie reels with a left hand retrieve?
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