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Everything posted by Hud

  1. maybe we could make everyone submit pics of their catches to see if they are worthy of joing the group?
  2. good on ya man for not backing down
  3. I"ve got a 07 Dekota shes a little thirsty but the V8 is worth the extra juice. Tows great. I'd recomend it.
  4. If nothing else, I know they have them at TSC. was just in there last weekend and saw them
  5. I prefer barbless especially after I removed a hook from a buddy's hand. Once I popped that hook out, been fishing about 90% barbless ever since. Anything with more than a single hook gets the barb bent or snipped
  6. 1 more sleep then off to NW ontario for a week cant wait!

  7. never been moose hunting but I go to Ignace area fishing every year. There are some great outfitters in the area. Harris Bay, Silver Dollar and Moose lodge all seem solid
  8. Agree... Scugog is interesting that you are looking for spots with out weeds. Try along the edges. Welcome to the board. Good to see another person from Brooklin
  9. Tried Ling this way a couple of winters ago. It wasn't bad but I think might have been better fried
  10. in looking at photos on the web, its amazing. Can't wait to read about the arrests. They think they got screwed out of the cup wait until the land in jail. 4-0 will take on a new meaning
  11. If you're not willing to get up and walk away then you've already lost
  12. awesome feedback thanks guys
  13. for a comedian you're one hell of a fisherman lol
  14. looking at getting away for a few days and was thinking about renting a houseboat near pigeon. Never spent much time on one and just looking to see if anyone has had any good experiences renting. thought it might be a good way to spend a long weekend. any tips on things to be on the look out for etc would be appreciated. thanks!
  15. I agree that its great to see the tips line working and that the CO's were able to get there in time. Good on 'em
  16. you too man. Small town...not to hard to spot 2 guys wearing fishing hats
  17. as a resident its we have to go right? I"m sure I'll see you there man
  18. as a person from the states living here, I feel your pain. This happens to me about 30-40% of the time I come back into Canada. I'm sure there is some "randomness" to it all but it doesn't feel like it. Where did you cross?
  19. Geoff, good on ya man for trying to help out
  20. Welcome to the board. I moved to Canada a few years ago now and everyone here will make you feel welcome. Some great people here that are a blast to fish with
  21. I would venture a guess that if they were issued a fine then they were breaking a law
  22. Hands down. Flying Monkeys Almost Pale Ale
  23. thank god its back up or my boss would expect this much work from me every day. I've got a reputation to protect here
  24. Look kids.... Big Ben....Parliment. Sorry but that gave me a flas to European Vacation when Clark can't get out of the round about
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