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Everything posted by captpierre

  1. Is this advisory so folks don't spread them further? Are they in the kawarthas?
  2. 150 mph in the fog. Better have radar. Or a brain.
  3. Didn't know one exists. Lots of SS props up in the air on boat lifts in cottage country. Surprised they don't get ripped.
  4. The last one is best!
  5. I like the chain idea Wormdunker. Fasten to the frame of the bike rather than the front and back racks?
  6. Those snakes are incredible. Ever eat them?
  7. Converted a small boat trailer into an ATV trailer. Built a solid frame and covered with 5/4 x6 PT boards. 5'x8' No sides for now. Will get 4 ratchet tie downs. Wondering how to keep the quad from flying forward in a sudden stop. Thinking bolting a 4x4 down crossways onto the floor at the front of the front wheels. Then lock brakes and snug down tie downs. Would this do?
  8. Decent fish
  9. You did well. Pretty area.
  10. 8 lb mono
  11. I think the stats are something like 40 hrs to catch a ski on the Bay. But u have s chance at a monster.
  12. Incredible trip. Can't get over how much boating was required. And fuel used in those double 200s.
  13. That's a pile of gators for sure. Looks like a great trip.
  14. Just wondering. All my other engines have air filters Why don't outboards?
  15. Dude. I'm looking in the background for palm trees. You sure those aren't Florida bass! ?
  16. Well done. Glad to hear the fishery isn't dead Good shootin
  17. So. Used to fish Lake O a lot. Only once this year with a skunk. What is the consensus? Good or bad year? Size. Numbers. I hear not so good.
  18. Still had lots of room but didn't see a kayaker last year in the evening thanks to sun in the eyes. Could have been bad. Kayak was blue and owner wore dark colours. I told the guy it would be in his best interest to wear bright clothes or bright life jacket. I know he has the right of way but it's his life on the line.
  19. I cottage on North Pigeon. No rice up here. Maybe on Little Bald. Must be near the south end of Pigeon. The Curve Lake reserve is situated nearby between Chemong and Upper Buckhorn Lakes. I've been there many times. A fairly prosperous reserve, looking at it from the outside. There is a wonderful native art centre/gallery/museum called the Whetung Ojibwa Centre. Owned by the Whetung family. Same name of the fellow sewing the rice. Does the reserve claim rights to The Pigeon lake area? Was this part of their original territory? Does anyone know about the local native history?
  20. Wait. There will be lots more. Get it right.
  21. So finally got to clean the boat. Have a black Lund. Lots of spots and dull. Used CLR To get the spots/calcium off. Needed a fair bit of contact time with repeated wiping. Looks like new. Wondering if waxing or something else will keep it that way I have car Turtlewax that I use for the motor. Anybody know what's best?
  22. Never could understand why the "clock" on outboards don't consider RPMs. A big difference between trolling and 4-6000 RPMs on a used motor.
  23. I've been told- maybe on this forum, that typical North American outboard power heads will last 1000 hrs before major work Japanese more like 5000. True or false?
  24. Poked around Toronto City Hall this evening. Lots of PanAm stuff goin on. A PanAm volunteer comes over and holds out a tray of PanAm condomes free for the taking. Seems she thought i could use some. ? She said they have too many. I recall they ran out at the Vancouver Olympics. Had to get more. So I took a handful..... For souvenirs ?
  25. About the same price as a gallon of milk up there
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