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Everything posted by captpierre

  1. Give to reputable charities, generously, and get a tax receipt. If you have taxable income you get about 42% back as a bonus. ( for annual donations over $250 -less for the first $250)
  2. 10 lb fluoro for my walleye leaders. Often wonder. If it's invisible, could go thicker. Not sure so invisible.
  3. Hope this is Ok but just want to point out the add I posted in the classifieds. June 12-19 Peter
  4. K9Advantix is the way to go. Revolution is not great for ticks -although great for everything else. There are also oral medications that are effective. Can't depend on flea/tick collars. New info suggests they are also potentially toxic Hotspots for Lyme disease is the north shores of Erie and Lake O. Especially Long Point, Prince Edward County, Kingston and up the St Lawrence. Nasty disease. Be careful. You and your dog.
  5. Safe to say walleye are the target
  6. Looking for one too Costco has one that usually goes on sale for $400. Honda engine and Karcher pressure system. The hose is rather thin and plastic. Lowes have heavier duty Dewalt units but $800+. Just want it for around the house and cottage What to get?
  7. Took the boat out for the first spin of the year The Yammy 115 started right up. ? Surface temp in open water 46 Bays 50 degrees 2 pm. Sunny
  8. Hey it worked! Pigeon Lake today. Thanks Gents!
  9. Tried photobucket and your advice
  10. Ever see a dolphin take off from a stop? They are stinkin fast. This could be flop or a home run. Gotta admire the entrepreneurial spirit. Without that we'd still be in the dark ages dragging our women around by their hair ?
  11. So Terry, how do I link from FB to a post
  12. So. Now that I finally broke down and have a decent phone with Internet, I'd like to get ready to post some fish porn. Can somebody pleased tell me how to do that from my phone? Thanks. Peter
  13. I hear you need a different clip if you use braid?
  14. So as a vet I'm well informed about what to do with your dogs. Lyme disease is transmitted by deer ticks. They live mostly in wooded areas, tall grass and ravines etc. they are increasing every year in Ontario. They are most active in spring and fall. Less so when it's hot. Tick activity starts at 4 degrees Celsius. They are less than 1/8 inch long when they first get on you or your dog. They climb up tall grass or to the end of a shrub branch and wait patiently for some critter to come by After getting on their victim, they attach and begin to feed in one place. After 36-72 hrs they begin to fill up with blood and start to regurgitate back into the victim. This regurgitated blood can contain the Lyme bacteria from the tick's stomach. Only a small percentage of ticks carry the Lyme bug in most areas. There are 2 notable exceptions. The north shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario east of Toronto are hotspots. Especially Bellevile and east. Bottom line. Avoid tick bites if possible. Remove ticks as soon as possible. Grab tick by the head as close to skin as you can with tweezers and pull straight out. Don't squeeze the body of the tick. You can push in the belly contents of the tick into the victim by squeezing the body. Ticks secret an anesthetic so you really can't feel them until you see or touch them. Get preventive medication from your vet for your dog. If you visit a Lyme hotspot avoid high risk areas and get your dog vaccinated. For people spray deet and keep skin covered. This is the new reality in Ontario. You or your dog don't want Lyme Disease. Avril Lavigne got it. She lives in Napanee No more shorts and sandals in the bush
  15. Put in new high efficiency furnace and AC about 5 yrs ago. Went with Lennox after researching a lot. Had a failure first month on the furnace under warranty Dealer recommended an annual check and cleaning in the fall. That's what I do ($130) Said high efficiency furnaces are touchy. They make water and have electronics. So far no new problems and use lots less gas than the old furnace. Quieter too
  16. Don't get too excited. Looks like the inevitable, pesky weeds are coming too in your picture
  17. Just looked at the Trent system water levels. Tri-lakes way up last 5 days. Now normal average levels. Needed to have faith. Was worried for nothin
  18. No seriously. Been wondering if we should buy tickets to some events. Anybody thinking the same? Which events!
  19. Lew, I'm guessing they are trying to help fill the lakes upstream.
  20. Golf. A four letter word.
  21. Plastic rims If you put a tube in, what happens with the tire valve ?
  22. Thought they were one and the same?
  23. Pigeon up 6 inches over weekend Looked for spawning eyes at Bobcaygeon today None seen. Water levels on the Sturgeon side are up to dock levels Was wondering why they dropped levels so long Was for doing lock maintenance. Otherwise makes no sense.
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