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Everything posted by captpierre

  1. Minimal trolling speed went from 2 to 2.8 mph going to 4 blade. Now need drift sock to slow down for eyes. Better hole shot and lower RPMs at 20 mph.
  2. So Drifter me thinks the lack of sun up there has messed with ya.
  3. Got this gennie last spring. Filled with and stored 20 L Shell premium, ethanol free gas stabilized with Stabil Marine. Last April. Been running it briefly every couple months I’m thinking it needs to be replaced with fresh fuel. Would you put the old gas through my Yammy or through my 4Runner? And do you add it to a mostly full tank to dilute it or does it matter. Thanks Gents
  4. Might be a lot of babies made in next while. 😎
  5. Peterborough fishing show/swap postponed to May 31. Cottage Life Show cancelled. 😳
  6. I don’t own a fishing kayak. Have only seen them at shows. They look like they’d be fun under ideal circumstances. Unfortunately in my world conditions are not always ideal. Weather, waves, boat traffic, and range make me think these are just sorta toys. You’ll eventually want a decent boat. Especially with family. Just sayin.
  7. Thanks. I might take you up on that. When they’re on I hear it’s pretty easy to fill a cooler.
  8. Just did some math. At a 4 lb average that’s 17,000 tons of walleye harvestable 😲
  9. I read the Erie lake wide allowable catch limit in 2019 was 8.5 million walleye. 😳 Between sport and commercial fishing. That’s a pile of eyes I’ll have to tap into some day.....says this Erie walleye virgin. 😎
  10. Cool but how does Erie not make the list 😳
  11. Wow. Hope nobody hurt and he has decent insurance
  12. I didn’t see the name of the large booth. But he said he was from Belleville. Ranger Net. $229. No Tax. Super long telescopic handle. Rubber coated mesh. Octagonal handle that won’t spin. Easy to lock into place. I’ve been looking for a big deep basket net with a long handle. Capture a big fish and keep her in the water while resting the long handle across the gunnels of the boat Then unhook in net. This will help me and the fish especially fishing alone.
  13. Last time I went was pretty disappointed. This year’s show improved IMO. Lots to see. Lots of big and small tackle venders. Bought this big Muskie net with deep basket for the big girls.
  14. Going to try to get down to this area of Cuba early March. South shore. First time. Reviews are great for snorkeling off the beach and warmer water. Has anybody done any shore fishing or taken a charter out?
  15. Forgetaboutit fish stop biting when you turn 50. 😎
  16. Build a few arches out of wood or PVC pipe. Velcro to hold in place.
  17. Sounds compelling. But as you know there are so many variables. And then there’s the placebo effect. It can be crazy. I know too much Vit D can cause problems. Lots of MS in higher latitudes. Canada has Highest rate in the world. Some researchers think there’s a link to lack of Vit D. Interesting topic.
  18. Next few days and nights are cold. Might have to give this hard water Simcoe fishin’ a go. Would be nice to drive the truck on the ice.
  19. Horrible way to die. You know all about fire, Lew. 😐
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