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Everything posted by captpierre

  1. Sounds like it’s worth a shot. At least for a year. Thanks.
  2. So David, excuse my ignorance. I fish a Kawartha lake and use a Lowrance HDS first generation graph with GPS. I have about 200 waypoints and know the lake pretty well. But any insight into new structure would be useful. How would this APP be useful to me? And what is the cost? thanks Peter.
  3. If you used a lot of water just before like showering, laundry etc you might have temporarily drained your well pipe. Remember never run the pressure sprayer without water.
  4. https://e.sail.ca/t/2HLU-1KRFH-959A33LLFA/cr.aspx?utm_source=Sail Plein Air Inc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2648285_sail_f21-p1-03-16_prom_all_sitewidepromo_can_fr-en_002&utm_content=view-online-english&dm_i=2HLU,1KRFH,8UP3T8,5C7AQ,1
  5. Locks won’t open till at least May 31. 😳
  6. Marinas and municipal launches closed for now 😳
  7. Just read a piece on Bloomberg BNN that many companies will likely be reducing or stopping their dividend payments due to reduced revenues. Beware for now.
  8. GICs are great to allow you to sleep at night but really you’re still losing money because the inflation rate is higher than 1.6%, especially after taxes. Good solid companies pay a 4-6% annual dividend and have the likely potential to appreciate in value. Plus capital gains and dividends are taxed less than interest. It takes discipline to resist buying stocks when the market is hot but wait for the inevitable correction to buy them on sale.
  9. The word is we’re having a temporary rally within a bear market. I think there is more downside coming when the horrible economic news really hits home If you’re brave, nibble away at hardest hit money making companies that pay a good dividend. Banks, utilities, telecoms. Eventually stocks will come back. Where else is capital going to go. 1% GICs? 😳
  10. Can’t believe my Deka lead acid starting battery , that came with the Lund in 2009, is still going strong.
  11. Hey Boss,

    somebody moved my post on the Drotto Boat Latch.  It’s a new product that anybody with a fishing boat might love. 

    Why move it? 🤨

    1. TJQ


      Im not sure... ill ask??

  12. Moderator, why has this post been moved? It certainly pertains to boating and therefore fishing 🤔🧐🤬
  13. These look pretty slick. Anybody use something like this? $400 on Amazon.ca https://www.boat2trailerhookup.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmpb0BRCBARIsAG7y4zZK6YUzIjTtKS0FPUT44AES2hzngh030o8pCapl-Ds26CpNfU_HaDsaAlIIEALw_wcB
  14. Buy something. Its therapeutic. We need it these day
  15. Got this on FB feed. Looks good on surface. Anybody try it? Dont know how to post the link but this is a site niccomstore.com $30 CND free shipping
  16. Not sure it matters any more unless you’re patriotic. You’d be hard pressed to find other than precision equipment not made in China. Even Apple makes their phones there Chinese factories are amongst the most modern and high tech in the world. pretty sure most if not all Shimano is not made in Japan any more.
  17. Is that a cloud of perch on the graph or minnows?
  18. Hole shot not dramatically better but noticeable, especially loaded.
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