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Everything posted by BucktownAngler

  1. i agree toss the keepers outside the hut on the ice, usually frozen in a couple mins or drain the livewell and fill with ice and doesnt take long to die
  2. Paramedics, fire, south simoce police, & york region police (including airboat) all responded to this incident. Maybe the "not safe ice" reports by the media wasn't crying wolf after all. when will people learn? stupid
  3. didnt even know it was legal to use herring as bait.
  4. any plans to change the white background? my eyes are taking a beating
  5. this is a smelt
  6. very nice can you throw those with a spinning setup? are they weighted at all?
  7. nipissing
  8. i hear good things about the ice gator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_3MGSX2tQc
  9. im still fairly new, but have been successful with the Airplane jig. minnow and split shot always work well this year ill be using the williams spoons and lindy darters more often
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJmS_rypeXU
  11. i dont recall seeing any warnings until late in the season before these guys got stranded. and at that time it was justified (warm temps, high winds) one of the guys who was rescued had been rescued 2 times previously. you cant fix stupid i guess your statement doesnt hold water bud.
  12. hmmm...not when there was a warning to stay off the ice due to unsafe condtions. and those people chose to ignore the warnings. fair?
  13. Google is your friend...i just copied and pasted the thread title into google. its the 3rd link. Anglers rescued from Lake Simcoe ice floe ordered to pay $200 each Published on Wednesday March 28, 2012 The Township of Oro-Medonte will require the 26 fishermen who became stranded on an ice floe on Lake Simcoe earlier this month to pay back some of the costs for the rescue. Council made the decision late Wednesday night, after receiving a report and recommendation from the local fire department. “The fire people concluded that there was not evidence of good judgment being used by the fishermen when they went out on the ice,” said Harry Hughes, mayor of Oro-Medonte. “So our final recommendation was that the township should seek to recover costs,” he said. “The total cost would come out to about $200 per person rescued.” On March 9, the men became stranded on Lake Simcoe after a dramatic change in wind direction forced the ice where dozens were fishing to suddenly crack away from shore. There had been warnings posted days earlier by the Ontario Provincial Police to stay off the ice due to unseasonably warm weather. The township adopted a fees and charges bylaw two years ago to deter people from taking unnecessary risks on the lake, but it had never been enforced. Fines include $200 an hour for the air boat, and $100 an hour per staff member. More than 20 people were needed to bring the anglers to safety and the boat was used for about four hours. Oro-Medonte calculated its costs alone as $4,875. The figure does not include the costs of other municipalities or the OPP. The four-hour ordeal involved Oro-Medonte firefighters, an OPP helicopter and officers from Barrie. Three other municipalities and a military team from Trenton were on standby. The OPP said they would not fine the men. Some of the fishermen, who attended the council meeting, said they would organize a slo-pitch softball tournament to help recover some of the costs. “The costs can be recovered through revenues generated through community services and if that doesn't occur, then we will be taking efforts to deal with those individuals who don't contribute,” said Hughes. The evening also gave the anglers a chance to thank some of the firefighters and OPP officers who helped rescue them, he said. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/1153484--anglers-rescued-from-lake-simcoe-ice-floe-ordered-to-pay-200-each
  14. since theres still no safe ice near by me, ive been at home thinking...started wondering if i could replace the plastic spool on my windlass with an old fly reel i have to make use of the drag system and higher spool capacity. what do you guys think about that? ive mocked it up, and by theory it should work. but i would have to cut off the plastic spool, and theres no turning back after that. 2nd question...does anybody use lures on these things?? (darters, badboyz, etc) or just minnows? i was thinking a lipless live target shiner might work well... i have no idea really though...just thinking out loud
  15. was thinking the same thing
  16. from what i hear not safe yet (little lake, barrie)
  17. you mind posting a pic of your setup? i was thinking i could drill a hole in the base and secure it with an ice anchor.
  18. any particular baits work well with these? best to use minnows? i picked up my first to use this winter.
  19. im still fairly new to ice fishing but this has been my best/most productive ice fishing lure so far. also worked well in soft water. i found out this lure was discontinued and couldnt find it anywhere or online from Northland. but lucked out and managed to find a few locally. also picked up this bucket top tackle box and i also picked up some Lindy darters. havent used them before, but have heard good things, so ill be giving them a go this year. anybody else have any go to baits to recommend?
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