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Everything posted by Rich

  1. I hate that. I also hate when the other guy in the boat immediately switches everytime to the lure I just used to catch a fish. And casts right after me to every spot. People like that just don't, and never will get, the point of fishing.
  2. There is carp and bullheads, and should be plenty this time of year. Also channel cats and who knows what else. Old Iron... Did you fish tournaments there? You're sounding more and more like over the years you likely crossed paths with my grandfather, Ken Sims.
  3. I catch them on spooks and jerkbaits. It's tricky. One in 6 hits is hooked. You can also fish for them at the outflow in september.. i have a trick.
  4. Yep.
  5. Uh. Whoa. No spats on championships, but the phrase WGSF was totally me.
  6. Every spring I forget the most thrilling, terrifying, hardest fighting and therefore world's greatest sport fish. It took a lot of trout and OOS bass to go through, i thought i lost my chance at this rare and elusive catch after six hours with nothing but trout to show for my efforts. Then it happened. Minnow down in a tree, boom, SMASH... The fight, the legacy, forever: WGSF
  7. The soapy water should work within 10 minutes...
  8. 1.5" gulp alive minnows if ya cant get the real deal..
  9. What do you want it to do? If you mean how well does it work as in, shows depth, temperature and structure, then you simply cant go wrong. They all work. From units under $100 to $500 to $1300 dsi's. I run a modest priced humminbird 210sx (modest for me being $160 lol) and it's just fine for marking depth, structure and fish.
  10. If you are really hard up, hit a patch of weedy grass with a bucket of dish soap/water. If there are worms they will come up and be easy to pick. Do not do the same spot more than once.
  11. 10lb nano on a calcutta? Use whatever knot you want, you'll be vertical jigging anyway.
  12. I've had my aventa for 6 years now. Love it.
  13. I wonder what the ice fishing will be like in July up there!
  14. Yessir. Small inlines and rat l trap style baits seem to produce the most, and the biggest for me. In deeper water jigging spoons just like ice fishing almost. And relatively small dead baits if you wanna go that route.. 4" frozen creek chubs are great when nothing else works. I should add that a "small" bucktail to me is something along the lines of a Mepps Musky Killer.
  15. In September/October, I bring nothing but my musky rod out pike fishing. There is no difference, just you are catching pike like they are musky! Lol Little ones , big ones, they love the monster baits in the fall. Never had luck with them in the spring (besides monster OOS bass), and summer not so much either, I like dead bait in the summer.
  16. You could always use a nightcrawler on bottom or under a float, or maybe bottom bounce a roe bag. Then there would be no confusion.
  17. I always did well on Rice. But I never fished the bog. Crappies were always in very shallow reeds this time of year, and Rice's entire shoreline looks like that. Oops, edit. I didnt take into account the recent flooding. I'd definitely want to be upstream of that. Lol
  18. Indeed. Far better places to fish trout than that, you'd be better off on hamilton harbour. But they are there. From the sounds of it you're kinda hoping to catch pike on trout lures. If that's the case, it will be the CO who determines if he believes you are targetting pike, or trout. Chances are if all you've caught is pike all day, they'll ding you for pike fishing. Just saying.
  19. Of course there's trout at the islands. It doesn't take years of experience to figure that out. Good luck trout fishing.
  20. Welcome aboard!
  21. Trout in dunnville? I mean, they run through there to get up the grand, but it's not really a high percentage spot. Though right now in dunnville til the end of june, fish of all sorts will be jumping. The fish you saw were most likely mooneye, or gizzard shads which can be trout like in appearance when they get to be about 2ft long. If they were trout, and are still there next time, I'd say throw the biggest spinners you got... But dunnville is more of a coarse fish sanctuary with some walleyes, i really doubt it was bows.
  22. Wow I would like to get me some of those. I can see those being useful for some small, electric only lakes near here with deep brown trout.
  23. Actually they grow far and above 25, double that! But I'd say that was a pretty good day. I never get the big ones in dunnville, best I've ever got there is a 15 last spring. But I've seen enough giants landed by others to keep going back. Good job for giving it a go and catching some fish for your troubles, and thanks for reporting back.
  24. I'm more interested how they got out to the ladder without going over their waders. Lol
  25. I bet my grandfather's cottage on the burnt river is a boat house right now.
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