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Everything posted by Rich

  1. The thing about smart people, is they look like crazy people, to dumb people.
  2. You also have to remember that to terrorists this is considered a victory, and many groups would attempt to take credit for this. As disgusting as that is.
  3. Well, in theory if i found a car with keys in it, the FBI started chasing me in unmarked cars, began shooting at me, and i found a bunch of pipe bombs and guns.. i'd probably fight for my life with the weapons at hand... Just saying. Do I believe that? No. But I'm not certain the shooting pipe bomb throwers were the marathon bombers. Earlier in the week they expedited a Saudi nationalist for associations with the bombing, then delcared it was a war cry from Chechnia. Now it's Syrians with internet terror training. I think they jumped the gun to appease the masses, personally. But like I said, I have no proof. Just questions and theories.
  4. By the way, im not reading conspiracy sites for counter info, im just watching CH news and asking questions. A lot of this doesn't add up.
  5. Seems to be a lotta push of "they used gunpowder bomns, instructions from internet" . Wow really coincides with recent gun restriction and internet privacy acts. They targeted the marathon "because it was easy" ... There was a bomb squad there! If that was easy, then they DO need some serious funding in their law enforcement!
  6. Sheep drive me nuts. There's a million things that dont add up about the bombings. I have questions, not theories. I haven't heard any good theories as to why they would fake this, besides to push CISPA unnoticed. How does one who managed to get bombs into a public marathon, during a BOMB SEARCH, which just happened to be right then, then he evades an entire police force all week, while his bro splits up? And takes a bullet, they still have no clue where this criminal genius in. So he tries to off himself, and for some reason chooses a throat shot, which is incredibly naiive. Like somebody who has never used a gun or watched a movie. And after trying to off himself, nothing to live for, he for some reason describes his motives to the police, by writing them down? It doesn't add up. And one proven fact about the event is they openly said they were doing a bomb drill, bomb sniffing K9' s were about, there were people on megaphones saying the upcoming explosions were nothing to be alarmed about. Just question it, don't theorize, but don't accept the first theory thrown at you by CNN as fact. Remember CNN has been sued twice, and LOST, for being paid to misrepresent the news.
  7. Yeah, well he wrote it down due to that shot to the throat, self inflicted, he somehow survived and recovered from in 3 days.
  8. Right on ! The crappie bite here seems to have died off. Should keep the shallow thing in mind.
  9. That.. is awesome!!! Thanks for sharing.
  10. My bad, confused it with zone 16. Sorry mate, I cannot help either, I cant even figure out where yer fishing . Lol
  11. Harper kinda asked for it when he became Obama's clone.. just sayin. It ain't cool though. We live in a country where we can protest a lot better ways than bombs. Its really just sick.
  12. I believe pike will still be closed then sir.. sorry to say it opens 2nd wk of may
  13. PM sent!
  14. Thats okay, at my work they have people offering applications with PC mastercards, completely lying to people and telling them its just a survey, they'll be sent a "test card" that they can just rip up, and they get a free box of cookies for it. Little do they know they just got PC debt for life program and will be penalized if they cut up the card!
  15. Go all the way to Brantford! Camp on the way! I did that trip once, it was epic, one of the best trips of my life.
  16. I had a fish tv, it broke, replaced it with a cabelas color LCD, got stolen, replaced with aqua vu now, and they discontinued the one i have.. just cant win. On the bright side, I would do it all again in a heartbeat, i would just drop the big bucks in the first place. I learned an insane amount from my aquavu.
  17. My aunt lives in Bala and has been putting up similar looking pics on her FB. She is actually stranded at her house on the moon river right now because the road out washed away, and i doubt she'd try boating into town right now!
  18. I know when i lived in the hammer, we got them like crazy at the mouth of the desjardins and up into valley inn, was good til the beginning of june. I have no experience fishing them on any other lake O tribs, but after looking at the mouth of bronte i'd bet it's really good off that pier at night.
  19. I hear ya man i dont read steelhead reports either, but ive put up far more than carp reports.. carp took up 2 wks of my spring while i was waiting for the real fish to arrive. Lol
  20. That is awesome!!
  21. Thanks everyone. I'm glad there are others who come for the fishing related posts.
  22. Funny you must be in the minority. I put up reports they get 5-10 replies , while ones that have nothing to do with fishing, or this country, or our business get 80 pages of meaningless banter.
  23. Congrats! And thanks for the report!
  24. That is awesome and miraculous. You will be proud, forever, of your achievement, and will never, ever regret it. Congratulations sir, my hat is off.
  25. Of the places listed, if I had the opportunity, I would go to Shades. But I'd wait for pike to open.
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