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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Oh, my bad. i was WAY off.
  2. Yep. You're missing the exceptions.
  3. Welcome aboard! I think finding help for your addiction here would be as useful as an AA meeting at a downtown bar. Lmao
  4. Last time I went I saw a guy walking out with two colored up dropbacks on a stringer. We didn't get any. Good luck
  5. I believe you and I have discussed this river via PM ..
  6. Spinnerbaits in the stumps, the harder the crash, the harder the smash! That day I landed 3 over five pounds, it was probably my best day of bass fishing ever. That fish was on the wire at 6lbs, was the first and biggest of the day.
  7. With the eve of my catfish and lake run carp fishing itching closer, anticipation builds. Yet while I'm whipping slip floats at crystal clear spring ponds, the thought creeps into my head of summer time. T-shirts, no shirts, drop the inflatable in wherever we please that day.. oh yeah and the sweet prizes at the end of the season, the memories of fish like this, and many many more.
  8. Haha, koi action at it's finest! Great report buddy!
  9. Lots of open water down here, i dont think theres any ice left after the weekend, lovin it!
  10. Nice, looking forward to the derby!
  11. Coming in on #6 from jarvis direction, at the top of the hill before the lift bridge, make a left. Follow the signs from there "Port Dover Harbour Marina" I have personal beefs with the place and don't launch there, but it is a nice facility.
  12. Welcome!
  13. Thanks everyone! The cold snap is setting in again. I think by next weekend carp fishing will be insanely good in the lynn. Can't wait. Also looking forward to big spring channel cats soon!
  14. The ramps have been removed from the river marinas in dover. There is one at the municipal marina , and a sketchy little unmaintained free one way up the creek. Its shallow, but do-able with a 16' or less boat.
  15. It took 3 hours, and chum seemed more a deterrent than a help. Lots of suckers to keep us busy until finally the cherry corn and the hair rig hooked a spring fatty. They are feeding agressively in pods the last few days on the lynn , surely from the warm snap. They were all over the surface in the evening.
  16. I hate all the saltwater crap.
  17. As for this post, my suspension was torn up, I was paid my money and mr. Harassment hasnt even looked at me since. Thanks to those who provided positive input here, it really helped!
  18. Looks like somebody stole grandpa's secret lure box
  19. Your truck argument proves that your thesis is backed by nothing but opinion. Oh and, what do you know? Still don't know me, thank god. Have a good one.
  20. You dont know any of us. We dont all live in toronto. A job is a job. Sometimes the unionized job comes off more flashy than a real job, sure. You pay for those bells & whistles too.
  21. Lol, you really think the lure is that good, that you're not afraid people will buy one, cuz thats impossible, you're afraid they'll see your pic and MAKE a lure the same! Lol
  22. Hook/corn on the bottom, and a few cans of sweet sweet chum does the ticket for me! If you'd ever like to tag along in the spring I'd gladly show you how I do it. I'm not so advanced but I catch a lot of fish, and some real good ones when they run the erie tribs, in about a month !
  23. I'd say this was a 'Good Friday'! The carp were active, even surface feeding and splashing in some spots. Bites were tough as the water was crystal clear, but a lotta chum and a lotta patience, me and the GF were able to land a couple. Good day out, dunkin corn in the backyard.
  24. There was plenty of advice given, hence the reason the hate on rich started.
  25. Lol, the managers at my work are non-unionized. They are full time, guaranteed their jobs, full vacation, benefits, pension, and they have less rules. My union is phasing out the jobs and the company is replacing them with good ones. Sorry, they're useless.
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