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Everything posted by Carp

  1. I've done mine. Was at BOQ too. With so many boats trolling a small area, the rules and regs get twisted a bit. Using planer boards just compounds the problem.
  2. Nothing wrong with reaping the benefits of mother nature's warm spell. Pick away. Worms will last a very long time in your fridge. They do need the proper bedding and probably some worm food. I had a dozen in a styrofoam container for months. Never did feed them 'cause I had every intention of using them. Checked on them once in a while, then left them for months. Last time I checked, there was nothing left. Guess they all dried up. The bedding was there, but no worms.
  3. I'm with Dave. You're teasing us Tom. Ice....what ice ? I bought an ice hut that may never see the lake this year if it doesnt get nasty coldl very soon. At least I'll have time to work on it though.
  4. I bought the seat base adapter from Bay Distributors in North Bay. Think it was about $40. It fits the popular Springfield seat bases. A bit more than I wanted to spend, but now I have a collar for the mast that can be transfered to another boat, if necessary, very easily without drilling holes. I use bro's boat most of the time and have both the Springfield seat base in the front casting platform and Big John mounting plate at the bow.
  5. I've been lucky since I've worked weekends, nights and even some holidays, but managed to avoid the main part of the holidays. I've worked Christmas Eve many times, but always when on day shift and finished early enough to join the family for dinner and presents later in the evening. I've worked New Years Eve many times, but again, always while on day shift and finished early enough to enjoy the evening. I can't remember ever missing a holiday with the family because of work. My schedule always conveniently worked around it. I did miss a few family dinners aside from holidays though.
  6. Eating at mom's is always great anytime but especially Christmas. The food is excellent, no matter what she makes. I like her seafood salads. Shrimp, scallops, squid, octopus and a few other goodies in the mix. - Her home made ravioli are another favourite. - Roasted, stuffed chicken is good too. - Veal Scalopini with mom's special white wine, lemon & butter sauce. Mmmm. - BBQ'd Atlantic Salmon is near and dear to my heart as well. - Dad's homemade BBQ sausage is a family favourite and usually part of most meals at mom and dad's place. Not a usual Christmas food for us, but I've been BBQing lots of beautiful, tender Black Angus rib eye steaks for guests this year. The quality of the meat can't be compared to anything I've had before. It cost me a small fortune every time I had people over. Think I have to ditch a few friends.
  7. Christmas Day would be taboo 'round here, but boxing day is always a possibility.
  8. I played tons of street hockey (ball hockey) in laneways, schoolyards and even in arenas with the Ontario Ball Hockey League for a few years. If you guys were closer, I'd join you for a game or two. (if you don't mind playing with a fat, old guy)
  9. Good stuff Wayne. Whenever someone mentions Temagami, I have visions of the float plane parked out by the dock. Naturally, I thought since you're up there so much in the summer, you may have some info for him.
  10. Don't sweat a "no fish" day. I've had my share too. Keep after them and as said already, one day you'll be into a bunch of hogs.
  11. A great idea Dan. I may just have to add that to the many things I'd like to buy myself.
  12. A face only a mother could love. I give the photographer all the credit fo making you look presentable. No worries Wayne, I'll fish with ya anytime.... 'cause I know I'll catch all the fish. Ya have a real nice tackle box full of muskie lures though.
  13. Most people have recommended a minimum of 10hp. In stronger winds, it may not be enough to control the boat. I agree. I say go with the 15hp. The weight is almost equal to the 9.9 as many manufactures use the same engine block for both 10 and 15hp engines. (at least they used to) A four stroke will be quiet and fuel efficient if you can part with the extra coin $$$. I say 15hp will satisfy all conditions for your boat. Good luck.
  14. This is just one of the winter projects I have planned. I started making a dual manual planer mast. (like I need one ) (I already have a dual electric.) One of the hardest things to figure out is how to make the reels and attach them to the mast. I cut a spool from mig welding wire for the centres and got two spools at a local hardware store that had some decorative chain on them. They were practically empty, so the associate was more than willing to give them to me and just put new (full) spools on display. These will be the outside plates of the reels. Two large screwdrivers will be the handles(I'll have to cut and thread the ends) and clutch or stopping device will have to come later. Here's what they look like after some cutting. Bought the aluminum mast and got a shop to turn the end down to the diameter I needed. It had to fit this seat base adapter: Got the shop to make a collar and base that can be bolted to my Big Jon base plates. They had some stainless steel sitting around, so that's what was used. I just have to weld the collar and base together. Again, the same size as the seat adapter so I can use the mast for either application. I've already made a set of dual paner boards, which I was using on Quinte last month. Here's what they look like before flourecent orange paint, 3 coats of varnish and hardware: ....and the finished product: I'll post the complete finished mast (if it ever gets done) at some point. What was I thinking starting another project ?
  15. ...and a very Happy Holiday to you too !
  16. How did I miss this post yesterday ? Happy Birthday (belated) Roger. Hope the BPS gift cards fall like rain from the sky.
  17. .....and a Happy Holiday greeting to you and yours Sam. All the best in 2007.
  18. So, you know about Wayne's fishing experiences too calamari1965 ? I can't comment on the accomodations at Wayne's World Resort, because I'm still waiting for a chance to see first hand the renovations he's done. Seriously setomonkey, Irishfield spends a lot of time there, so maybe he'll chip in some info on resorts/lodges or send him a pm. Good luck!
  19. I don't make a big deal about presents. When I need or want something fishing or hunting related, I just go get it myself. No wrapping necessary. I just got a new vehicle 3 weeks ago and a new (used) ice hut last weekend. Merry Christmas to me !!! The presents are for the wee ones now. That's where we concentrate our present efforts.
  20. The true redneck Christmas Greeting. Have a good one bud.
  21. Merry Christmas to you and yours bud. Hope the holidays are good to Santa's Elf and his wee ones.
  22. Merry Christmas to you too B. And very happy holiday season to everyone !
  23. Looks like lots of exploring for you in 2006. Very nice back lake shots. Thanks bud.
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