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Everything posted by Carp

  1. Glad you found your stuff. I would still take some sort of measures to prevent possible theft though.
  2. Heard there's a new disease transmitted by ticks. Can't remember the name right now. Much worse than Lyme disease. Death can occur in a day or two if I recall correctly. Think the ticks only have to be attached for minutes to transmit the disease. Pulling them and braking off the head, which would still be buried under your skin, won't help you. You can use the peppermint method above to try and get them to back themselves out on their own. Also, soaking a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol and gently rubbing the exposed part of the tick in a circular motion (round and round the body), may get them to back off. Be careful not to break the tick (beheading). Leaving the head buried under your skin is just as bad as leaving the whole tick there. Trick is to irritate them so they detach themselves on their own.
  3. Stealing a pontoon boat is hard enough to believe, but taking the dock too ! There must be another explanation. Even if the pontoon boat was stolen, I doubt the thieves would chance sticking around long enough to take 2 sections of dock as well. ....and where did they put all those large, heavy items ? Did they show up with a flatbed trailer and fork lift ? If it sank, it could be anywhere as the wind and waves would push it around until it disappears below the surface, but the docks ??? Might spot it from above on a sunny day (plane or drone). Hey Moxie, if this is happening often in the area, likely the same thieves. They would need proper equipment to steal pontoon boat and docks. Might be worth the money to install cameras or at the very least, a well hidden trail camera or two.
  4. Enough alcohol in your blood will surely turn the bugs off Terry. Just be careful ! Might also turn you off.
  5. Great to hear you have it running. Freshtrax be da man. There wouldn't be much water coming out of the pee hole at idle, especially when the engine is cold. I had the same problem with an outboard a few years ago. Thought the impeller needed replacing because it just sputtered a tiny bit of water at idle or slow trolling speed. It just wasn't running fast enough to heat up the engine to keep a steady flow of water. Pushed a smaller piece of hose inside the pee hole to basically reduce the diameter a bit. With the smaller outlet, it kept a steady flow from the pee hole even at idle. Engine never over heated and I had a sure tell tale sign that the cooling system was working right from start up. No issues. I would caution anyone trying this though. You would have to make sure the back pressure isn't great enough to reduce the flow of water to a point that it doesn't cool the engine properly. Mine worked out great and I would do it again in the same circumstances. You must check the temperature of the pee hole water regularly until you're satisfied the cooling system works well. The outflow should be cool to warm, but never hot.
  6. I was going to say the same thing. Let us have a look at them Cliff. Can you post a pic please ?
  7. We've always had the best luck with shiners. Not always available though.
  8. Some great pictures. My kids all love to fish too. I just haven't had much time lately to get on the water. Hopefully this year...........
  9. Nice to see you're still around douG. I can't offer advice on the trip you haven't already received. Have a great trip and don't forget.......pictures......we want pictures !!!
  10. I found someone in Dundas, Ontario She made 3 inch black vinyl block letters/numbers (stick on) for both sides of my boat. It was $20 total for both sides. Since I was working nearby in Hamilton at the time, I ordered and picked up a few days later on my lunch break. RE: Registration Expiry I'll have to check my paperwork. Can't remember if I registered after 2010.
  11. Nice fish Brian. Thanks for sharing the video.
  12. Very sad to here the news about Joey. My sincerest condolences Paul.
  13. I have no doubt there are large wolves in the Barrie area and around Lew's place as well. Several years ago, I was bow hunting in Mt.Albert, just N/E of Newmarket ON. I was in a tree stand about 15 feet off the ground. A large doe runs out into the field and followed the edge of the bush, which made a zigzag around me. She was winded and obviously being chased. She disappeared into a small gully, where a tiny stream ran out from the bush and into the field. About 4 or 5 min. later, in the same corner of the field where the deer first appeared, I see three wolves pop out and stop and looking at each like they were having a conversation. One was about the size of a large German Sheppard, but the colours of a Husky. Two were all black and twice the size of the Sheppard sized wolf. Absolutely HUGE !!! Amazing to watch them formulate a plan to trap the doe. One wolf doubled back to cut off the deer as it tried to circle around back into the bush. The other two followed it to push it towards the third wolf. I walk through the forest in the dark all the time while hunting. Either going in at morning, or coming out in the evening. I don't give it a second thought, but I've never been as nervous as I was that day and it was daylight on my short walk back to my truck. Made as much noise as possible. Talking out loud, coughing and banging tree trunks as I walked quickly towards my vehicle. I've seen moose as far south as Bradford, ONT. Yes, I know the difference between a moose and a horse. Definitely moose.There were bears spotted in Milton, Burlington and Newmarket, very recently as well.
  14. My daughter has a hockey tournament in St.Catherines this weekend. After that's done, I'm off to WMU 60 for the rifle hunt. I've never hunted the controlled hunt, but best of luck to all who do. Cheers !
  15. Obviously getting caught and fined wasn't enough to stop these guys. Second offense should be automatic jail time on top of a much more significant fine.
  16. Don't think a couple could do any harm to you Brian, but the wife may wonder what kind of kinky fishing you've been doing when she sees the marks. Were they still on you when you noticed ? Drink lots of newfie screech before getting in the water. That should keep the little buggers away, or ......it could backfire and they may call their buddies over for a party ! Maybe try a heavy application with one of those sunscreens that doesn't wash off easily. Can't taste very good to something that's used to sucking blood. At least you have an easy way of catching bait.
  17. Only if you're a weed or intoxicated and thirsty!
  18. Sweet fish ! Congrats !!! Sigh.........only in my dreams..............
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