If this property has been trespassed on before (by the sounds of it, numerous times by various anglers),
I find it hard to believe the owner didn't have the property posted.
There's only so many times a person can stand hearing the same excuses.
"Didn't see any signs."
"Thought it was public land."
Oooops! Sorry.
If the property was posted, which I would tend to believe it was, the signs
were probably torn down by poachers/trespassers to support their feeble excuses.
Although I don't agree with shooting the trespassers, the owner doesn't know how
mentally stable these people are. It would be unwise to confront someone without
a viable means of defense. Seems like laws here in Canada protect criminals more than victims.
This case should serve as a warning those who trespass & steal.
The owner should have stayed out of sight any called police immediately.
The pair could have been charged with theft/poaching and trespassing.
That alone would probably be enough to keep them from visiting the pond again.