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Everything posted by Carp

  1. VERY !!!
  2. Congrats Tony !!! You deserve it !!!
  3. Sweet fish !!! .......as usual. Thanks for sharing.
  4. You shout a lot for someone new to the board and asking members for info.
  5. Take the radio out and connect it to someone else's antenna to see if the problem persists. This will at least eliminate the bad antenna theory.
  6. So, if we cuss at you because you look like an ax murderer, it's good for us ? I can live with that. LOL !!!
  7. I won't change colour because someone else catches a fish or two. If they're putting on a clinic, then I pay attention to colour and technique.
  8. Chinooks that close to shore would be getting dark this time of year. I agree it was probably cohos or bows.
  9. The time is now !!! Chinooks are getting closer to shore. Lots of bows and cohos further out. If you fish L. Erie, you can certainly fish L. Ontario. I'm out 20km or more sometimes in a 16 foot boat with 25hp. Good Luck !
  10. Sweet report Emil. I heard you on the vhf a couple of weeks ago and called, but something funky was going on with the reception and I could barely make out what you were saying. cheers !
  11. People in Newmarket, Ontario were mortified to find bears walking through their yards in the last few years. Everyone was in a panic because they couldn't go outside, let the kids out, etc. Something had to be done quickly because they couldn't co-exist with the bears in their environment. These are some of the same tree hugging, anti-hunting people that supported the cancellation of the spring bear hunt. We're surrounded by IDIOTS !!!
  12. Sorry to hear the bad news Sam. Best wishes for your future projects.
  13. A sweet place to get away. Thanks for the report and pics.
  14. A sweet fish on your last trip with dad. Hope the recovery continues. Advanced does really nice work. I went to high school with James and Shawn. Known James since we were little kids.
  15. I never tried the crystal, but have been using regular Fireline for years on my spinning rods and love it. I also use power pro and have not had issues with that either.
  16. Excellent news bud !!! Congrats on the catch and prizes. My own search for the tyee continues.
  17. Too early for me to commit, but it's dancing in my mind all the time. If I come last minute, I can always pitch a tent or sleep in my truck. No worries. Cheers
  18. Great video of a huge fish.
  19. IDIOTS !!! This is exactly what anti hunting groups are looking for as ammunition to lobby government for a total ban on hunting. These guys deserve a good stint in jail along with a huge fine. I hope they're banned for possessing firearms for life.
  20. Hi ramgirl As already mentioned, it may be wise to get a few people involved in organizing the event. Give everyone a task and keep checking on them regularly to make sure they get the job done. If progress is slow, add someone else to help out. A few things I can think of: location, parking, food/drinks (if any), toilet/washroom availability, ticket sales & prize table organizers, fish verification & recording, how to get the word out (friends, relatives, marketing/advertising), contest rules & regs, municipal requirements (by-laws, permits, etc.) cheers Remo
  21. I drove a 5 speed pick-up for years. At the ramp I always set the parking brake hard, put it in 1st gear & turned off the engine. Always held my foot on the brake and eased off gently until I felt the weight of the truck rest on the parking brake. If I had any doubts, I released the brake and did it all over again. On steep ramps, I even threw a piece of wood under a rear tire is case the truck started sliding back. The fact that it's a steep ramp probably had a lot to do with what happened. Glad you're OK. Hope the damage to the boat and truck was minimal.
  22. Put in my vote for today/ I'll try and remember to throw you my support on a daily basis. Good luck !!!
  23. Nice chunky laker. Good shooting.
  24. I was out last Sunday morning. Hits on a variety of baits and depths. Baits were hit anywhere from 60 to 115 ft. down. Variety of spoons, Dodger & fly, some off riggers, some off dipseys, some off leadcore. Seems like the fish are very deep for this time of year. The water temps. are really cold down there, but that's where they're hiding.
  25. If you have a Princess Auto close by, you can check there as well for the compression tester. Usually a bit cheaper than Canadian Tire. I bought mine there on sale for about $10 Not 100% sure of the compression on that Yamaha, but I have a 1978 Evinrude 35hp that runs like a top. The compression was tested at 100 & 110 psi on both respective cylynders. Marine mechanic told me anything between 100 and 120psi is OK for my engine. Hope this gives you a better idea.
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