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Everything posted by dave524

  1. Years ago, the RCMP?GRC used to do a migratory game bird check during waterfowl season, right in front of the CWS buildings on the causeway. Usually the MNR only does their check opening bass weekend , but don't depend on that
  2. I thought the only difference was the 6500 had wider pillars between the end plates and of course a wider spool than the 5500 resulting in more line capacity, would not the line pick up and probably the gears be the same ?
  3. We also had some issues with Exodus, there is some turmoil going on because a big repository is offline, been using Specto for TV shows the last week Edit: I think the big Fusion repo is down http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/kodi-tvaddons-exodus-shutdown-no-warning-users-open-source-software-media-player-pirate-videos-a7796991.html
  4. Nice truck, ya need to cut the grass
  5. Never understood the US and eventually Canada going to the M16 class of rifle, a few with old school moisin nagants, smle's or garands could pin then at 7-800 yards and they's have to call for artillery support to bail them out
  6. That is just plain crazy, I played out to the KM mark when I was younger. . This vid I found on the tube is pretty close to how I imagine it went down with a spotter, range is similar but smaller rifle.
  7. My landscape trailer lost the brake and direction signal on the drivers side, cleaned all connections and grounds still nada. Multimeter at the vehicle flat plug showed no current on one of the plugs with the other probe grounded to the ball, tail lights and right signal showed current on the others, converter is toasted I guess.
  8. When I went to U of T in 69, my student residence was $325 I believe without a meal package, tuition was about $525 for a professional degree, books were another 2 bills, you could eat on 20 a week. If ya didn't party too much ,could probably do the whole year on a bit over 2 grand.. I have a hard time wrapping my old brain around prices of things anymore.
  9. I believe there is also action on the north shore as well, I believe it was here I posted about catching them all summer from shore , off Hasting's Ave. at Long Point, many years ago, right up till late Sept and duck season. Your report makes me believe the fishery would still exist if any capable wanted to give it a try. Thanks for the report, it was good times with a small fire on the beach, dogs on a stick and brown pops in the cooler.
  10. glad I bought here in 83 @ 55 grand for a corner lot with a small bungalow, today it's a nice retirement home , 1 block walking distance to the lake and marinas. I don't know how you kids do it today in this crazy market, there was a downward correction in market value around '90, one neighbour handed their keys back to the bank for a loss after he was laid off , I see it happening again if interest rates rise any. Think it was around '79 they hit 18% for a five year fixed Edit : amazingly , the neighbours either side and over the back fence are the same people that were here in 83, all good people
  11. The livestock fly spray from TSC , that I posted contains Perethrin, maybe you just can't get it in a product for use on humans. Dad used to get 100% Deet when he worked for Bell, nasty stuff, had to wash your hands, it would melt plastic, one steering wheel was never the same after using it edit: permethrin is extremely deadly to fish, hence the warning on disposing of it down the drain.
  12. Some of the guys on the shooting forums I frequent , were treating their turkey hunting camo with this stuff and reported good results, NOT for use on humans , make your own conclusions as to the safety treating clothing. They put it on the night before so it had a chance to dry. http://www.tscstores.com/UltraShield-EX-950ml-P17980.aspx#.WUj-s-grLIU http://absorbine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ultrashield-ex-32oz-spray-label.pdf
  13. Nary a drop here overnight or all morning , strange.
  14. I've caught a few on Worden's Spin and Glows behind a Gang Troll when I didn't have any big minnows to put there.
  15. No musky in Drag but just east in Loon there are a few and if they don't cooperate, it also has Bass, Walleyes and Lakers. There is a public launch on the east shore down Loon Lake Road. In town, pretty much, there is a good population in Head Lake.
  16. I see a chip under the skin and a scanner, just like the dogs get at the vets
  17. What about a Niagara Falls with the wife vacation and a few trips with this guy, I hear he is very good http://castadventures.ca/ edit: or this guy http://www.fishinniagara.com/
  18. I lived in Welland in the early 70's, pretty sure Commisos started there, I see that their original store there is now a FreshCo, maybe they morphed into that name, Leons furniture also got its start as a family business in Welland, many years ago.
  19. I had a Weber Spirit when I got married in 99, couldn't convince my wife this wasn't paint peeling inside, finally got rid of it , could standing the nagging any longer, wimmens
  20. I think I mentioned it here before that years ago we would fish them all summer right up until duck season opened late Sept in Lake Erie, surf casting at night off Hasting's Ave at Long Point, wade out a few yards to the first sand bar , chuck out your bait and come back, set in a rod holder with a bell clipped to the rod, crack a cold one, put another dog on your stick in the fire and wait, quite a few fish in the teens and the odd twenty. This would have been '73/74, shrimp usually was the bait of choice and we got 30 cents a pound live weight for them from a commercial fisherman, I was making 4 bucks an hour at the time at my day job paid for the eats and refreshment .
  21. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just buy a roll of copper roof flashing , custom cut to length
  22. Depends on the species of Catfish, Art, I've found the Channels up here are more inclined to hit a fresh bait rather than the stink concoctions that are popular further south.
  23. I just use the generic stuff from Food Basics, " Irresistible " , maybe you are using too much. Sriracha seems to be my new " I put that s^%&*$ on everything . Seasoning Salt seems to also be a go to now that there is no MSG in it anymore.
  24. Yes, very good bait for cats. Edit, and a whole bunch of other species, like Steelhead and Smallies
  25. get a cheap shrimp ring
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