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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. if i was gunna buy a new camper... id get something like this for year round fun... they look sweet..
  2. i never get the bleeding fins either... even when we get a big girl by accident on walleye gear... i think it has to do with a pre existing condition...like you mentioned mike...VHS? maybe... nice job on the 2 x 50s... havent done that yet myself...
  3. I don't forget how I've been treated in the past... Giving good customer service only because you have competition now is wrong... Lebarons has always had bad service in the past... I will never step foot in a lebarons again...
  4. I had a big girl follow me on a spot one time... 2 days later my buddy caught what I think was the same fish( you never really know)
  5. I got a pike one time reeling in my carp rig... Hit 2 kernals of corn...lol
  6. Nice work getting her to take eventually... No measurement?
  7. i have a musky bait that exact color... cant catch a thing on it tho...lol
  8. well...these 2 arent lesser known species but interesting to me... first is a brown trout i caught in the st.lawrence river... a task that not many have done... the second is a 2 tone carp wich is my PB at 36lb12oz... ive caught hundreds and hundreds of carp and only saw this once... kinda cool that its my PB... what are the odds of that...
  9. do yourself a favor and get a boat cover.... i got one for my first boat at canadian tire on sale for around 80 bucks... had it 4 years and it went when i sold the boat... still in mint condition... this way it puts your mind at ease... and it is easy to remove and store as well...
  10. thanks superdad... im heading up on thursday looking for a big girl....
  11. and that day i was guiding... so mercman and his brother lost a half hour of fishing cause of these guys... thats what really bothered me.... lucky for me we had a horseshoe you know where and pounded anyways... and we all but forgot about the boobs at the launch..
  12. nice catch... there are lots of areas around here for off-shore walleye at night... there are starting to load up with fish also... after daylight savings goes back... thats gunna be fun...
  13. awsome... last time i saw a lobster in a pot... he wasnt smiling...lol
  14. It was a fun night... We stayed in and family came to us... Only problem was our beagle kept barking at kids dressed up and scared Connor... Edit: yes I was munching... And even have enough Left over for quinte on thursday...
  15. That's what bothers me as well... Get ready then back into the launch area... I'm fast at the launch... Really really fast... I've seen it where I could have launched 3 or 4 times in the time it took some joker... I understand not everyone launches 3 times a week like me... But these guys were tying their lines!!! That's Bull.
  16. We got our little fella dressed up like a pirate... Arrrrrrrr.... Had to share my little buddy with you all By the way... He's not even 6 months and that costume is for a 12 month old!!!!!!
  17. The problem is... There is pretty much nothing you or I can do about this people... Other then curse and do doughnuts around em... And as for the boats speeding past... Cops don't give a rats behind about it... Even when it's close to shore and illigal... Happens to me carp fishing... Boats doing 20-60mph through a bridge that's 30 feet wide... That is illigal But it happens all day on a Saturday and cops don't care... There too busy checking my pfd then catching dangerouse drivers...
  18. Very nice... Really like it Like a cross between the kid fishing from the moon at the start of a film... And Tom sawyer
  19. If I am gunna fish an area/spot and someone is there... I usually don't fish it... If I do... I go out of my way to give them right of way as much as possible...
  20. pretty sad when a person who risks their lives for public safety has to take a second job...
  21. you mentioned takes with no fish and hook pulls... did these happen within 5 minutes of a recast?
  22. Great job!!!!! I know how hard it is to put your eggs in one basket and hope for the best... You mind races the days before... As well as the morning of until you hear the alarm scream... Good for you for trying something new and pounding... Nothing feels better...
  23. i did this before i had navionics on my iphone... i marked a patch of rocks in the summer... set up my friends ice shack on it during hardwater... we were the only ones (that i knew of) that were consistantly catching eyes... now with navionics on my iphone... i dont have to mess around as much... no need to drill 10 holes before you hit the right depth... i just walk out till i hit the right contour line and sit down...
  24. Cute I was waiting for something funny to happen... Oh well...
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