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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Welcome Sam, it was nice to meet you, I'll look forward to your fishing reports....but please, don't be in a rush to go ice fishing Maureen
  2. Wow Joey, some great shots there!!! Glad the fishing picked up for you.... Maureen
  3. Just to clarify...Anarchists are NOT protesters. To Anarchists the violence and chaos is an end unto itself. The senseless destruction was all they wanted to accomplish. The protesters have messages meant to improve society. The stated goal of Anarchy is to destroy society itself...no matter the political system...socialist, capitalist, monarchy or theocracy. Society is the target and there is no message. The peaceful protesters were being used as a shield and cover for the advancement of the "Black Bloc". They are like a bunch of destructive children who want to be in the thick of things...sort of "Look at me!!" Sorry...that's insulting to children.
  4. That would really cut back on my commute
  5. They still have Hwy 93 closed from hwy 12 to Balm Beach Rd, I assume King is closed as well. It also hit a couple of businesses on Hwy 12 from what I heard, as well as a few trees down at Martyr's shrine. I had to come up the back rd and while it's clear there were trees uprooted and lots of limbs that were clearly put to the side of the rd. and the lines were still on the ground there. I got power back roughly a little over an hour ago I'd guess. Irishfield may still not have power back, some areas will take a little longer, hopefully by tonight.. Maureen
  6. welcome, and enjoy
  7. yup, kinda woke me from my nap...dang i hate that
  8. Good stuff, glad you were able to get it, very nice of Davo to offer it up... Maureen
  9. Good pics Dan, thanks, and it was good to meet you Maureen
  10. That's too bad, but exciting times ahead for both of you it seems. I'll keep my eye out for the new shows. Best of luck to both of you Maureen
  11. Great pics Joe, it was good to see you, maybe next year we'll get a chance to go fishing.... Maureen
  12. Like Roy said, glad I got to see them, very nice!!! Te;; me, who's fish was the bear after??? Thnaks for sharing, even if it was for a short while. Maureen
  13. Left Fri. morning looking like a lilly white Hoser, arrived home last night looking more like a Maine lobster....no pics from me, camera isbroken and I was too busy catching up with everyone...caught one small Pike thanks to Art, and as it's better than I did last year....I am very happy Maureen
  14. I'll be leaving in the wee hours of the morning so I can get there for Fri. breakfast. This will be my first time fishing since this time last year....really looking forward to it. Maureen
  15. Very good Ya never know who might show up whenever...
  16. I've paid from 250 to 300 for a full cord, I go through about 3-4 a year here. Maureen
  17. I hope to pop in at least one if not two days that week... Maureen
  18. Congratulations Norm on surviving yet another year, hope this one is a great one!!! Enjoy your day! Maureen
  19. Have a great day everyone, you have great weather for it!!! I look forward to reading all the reports! Maureen
  20. Congrats Joey, that was once heck of a fish!!! Maureen
  21. I'd like to thank everyone for helping Tyler's family continue with the event when I couldn't...I know it will be another great day!!! All the best Maureen
  22. I'm sorry to say that for many different reasons I will not be able to organize Fishing for Tyler this year, with luck it will be back the following ice season. Thanks to everyone who has shown an interest in this event. Maureen
  23. All the best Chris, be sure to listen to the doc's and I hope you're back up and fishing soon... Maureen
  24. Congrats Rattletrap2!!! Maureen
  25. Very nice Bernie, I know it's gonna look great when you're done!! Maureen
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