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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Ok thanks, not sure I'll be too keen on climbing the ladder with the chain saw in the snow though....although it would cushion my fall Maureen
  2. ok, thanks, I have a Maple tree, Birch tree, one I'm not sure of, and a Lilac bush, so from what you said it should be the maple and Lilac now, and the Birch and to be safe the unknown early spring...I guess the Pine should also be done now? Thanks for the help Maureen
  3. Absolutely adorable!!!!! You're gonna have tonnes of fun
  4. Hey all, I have a couple of trees that need some branches trimmed. Does anyone know if it's best to do it now, or should I wait until early spring to do it. Thanks Maureen
  5. Congrats to you Aaron, and Mrs Aaron Maureen
  6. Sorry for your loss Brian, it's never an easy time... Maureen
  7. Good morning all, have fun and be safe....looking forward to the reports. Maureen
  8. I'm very sorry to hear that, thanks for letting us know Cliff, Simon, our thoughts are with you and your family.. Maureen
  9. Sorry for the loss Chris and Carol, Arnie was a good fella.... Maureen
  10. ok, thanks folks, hopefully I'll be able to finagle something.... Maureen
  11. I have to book my vacation time for next year in a week or so, I can't remember if Lakair is the third or fourth weekend in June.....thanks....enjoy your day. Maureen
  12. Ha his thumb is bigger than the fish Great report thanks for sharing...one of these days I'm gonna give Simcoe a try Maureen
  13. While I don't actually have "Grand children" My great nephews and niece have the same effect on me Maureen
  14. Well Cliff, I for one don't think it will last too long, but in the mean time there is lots to do. I know you know there are course out there for just about everything, so you never have to stop learning. In the mean time I'm sure you'll find a few things to keep you busy, and hey now I can come out on a weekday and go for some Walleye Enjoy my friend Maureen
  15. Great stuff Lew, those are some nice fish for sure, glad you all had a great vacation Maureen
  16. I've reached the age where 'happy hour' is a nap

  17. Sweet, when can I go for a ride Nice work guys, really.... Maureen
  18. Today I rented a pontoon boat from Lunge Haven on Sturgeon Lake and took my best friend (chief camera operator) and her two boys for their first ever fishing trip on a boat (the boys that it) Daelin is 10 and Kaeleb is 7, they were vibrating from the time they got on the boat. Up until today Daelin wasn't sure about boats, they made him a little nervous....not any more . We left the Marina a little after 11am and headed out, I found a spot near where Big Cliff and I fished a few weeks ago and we just started drift fishing. It wasn't long before one of them yelled out "Fish On" and I do mean yell, or actually it could have been a squeal...lol. With little help from me, he brought it in and I showed him how to remove a fish from the hook, I think that one was a Perch. Not long after, it was "Fish on" from the younger one, honestly I don't remember what he had, might have been his first of many sunfish, or Perch, right after we released that one, he drops his lure in the water and yells "I got another one" That was pretty much how things went for the 4 hours on the water, with a few short lulls. The Older boy Daelin, managed his first ever Walleye on the boat and was super excited, we didn't take the time to measure it, but it was about 10" which to him was a MONSTER!!! SO MUCH FUN!!!! After 4 hours I took the boat back and we headed to Big Cliffs dock, being careful not to wake up their pup. The boys set up their rods and dropped them in the water only to yell "fish on". Each boy got one fish and that was it...the fish realized that they were biting plastic and told all the others to stay away I guess. Their mom was good enough to make a worm run and when she came back and we got them going, it was non-stop action for a little over an hour...a great way to end an absolutely AWESOME day!!! As Amanda has all the pics on her camera, and let me tell you there are tonnes, the boys wanted a picture taken with almost every fish they caught...lol I can't post them until she gets to a high speed connection. For a quick rundown, between them the boys caught a Walleye, some S/M Bass, L/M Bass, Perch, Sunfish and Bluegill. The funniest part of the day to me was the older one was upset that his little brother was catching all the sunfish and he was getting the Bass....I'll have to remind him of that in a few years Hope to take them out again before the summer ends. Oh and me, all I got was a great big grin and lots of colour...mostly red Maureen
  19. Awesome stuff Ryan, and I can relate to how Luke feels...lol Thanks for sharing the adventure with us Maureen
  20. ya never know when or where i might show up If I don't see you I hope you and Dianne have a great time... Maureen
  21. nope, boat renters agreement is not available here, they told me outright that I need a boat card to be able to rent from them. I don't mind it, won't hurt to have one, I still have high hopes of getting a new motor for my boat if I don't get this one fixed. I just want to know that the Boatsmart site is reputable.. Thanks Maureen
  22. Well if I want to rent a boat next week for the day it seems I need to break down and get my boaters card. Is Boat Smart the best one to use or are there other ones??? Thanks Maureen
  23. Might be able to swing it, need to wait for confirmation on something else, should be able to get back to you tomorrow afternoon...if it's still open that is... never been on the big lake or salmon fishing so it would be a blast. Maureen
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