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smokin joe

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Everything posted by smokin joe

  1. Very nicely done Ben. Thanks for the report and great pics Congrats on a good days You've gotta love it when the Big ones come out to play and just slam the baits!!
  2. Congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of a healthy baby girl Enjoy every minute as they grow up fast, and yes get ready to hear all those "I kicked you butt fishing today Dad" or the famous "What's that smell? Smells like a skunk in here" Yes BTW these sayings I know from experience
  3. My deepest condolences to you and your family Jacques
  4. I really like the upgrade And Congrats to all the great people on here that make this a top notch site
  5. Nice job Paul, glad to see you're still on some real beauties there
  6. Nice job once again Jack Seems all the fish are biting on the days I have to work may have to play hooky one day and get out with you
  7. Nice to see JR. out fishing with you again Bruce It was a tough day on the ice for sure
  8. There's also Gander Mountain, but it's not in the Falls either. It's in Tonawonda. Take the 190 to the 290 and then the Colvin Ave exit North. It's right there at the Hwy on the left.
  9. Great pics thanks for sharing Here's one from my front yard, not always a good thing.
  10. That's when it's time for turtle soup JWL But seriously there are a pair in a local pond here that are huge, and I'm always watching my son when fishing from shore. I'll never forget getting grabbed by one when I was young and looking through the hole it left in my thumb and seeing daylight
  11. We were instructed this morning to be ready to drop everything and get to the site at a moments notice. I agree, another tragedy and my condolences go out to everyone affected by it.
  12. Congrats LimeyAngler on a great days fishing and a nice fat pike to top it off
  13. I got those pics e-mailed to me too. Classic
  14. Glad to hear that you are on the mend Cliff. That bug has been going around here too. I had it for a while last year and it took a couple of weeks to get over it completely. The problem here is the kids are passing it around at school. My son got it first and then I caught it. My ex wound up with it a few weeks later. It's a nasty bug for sure!!
  15. Ok voted for ya 4 times, man ya gotta love neighbors that don't password protect their wireless
  16. Hey Darrell how do we vote?? is it just by following the link?
  17. Hey HighDrifter is that a wahoo?
  18. Nice pics dave. We'll have to get out soon for some gator fishing.
  19. Congrats Glen that's a beauty perch for sure
  20. Leechman, congrats on an excellent day of fishing and the PB's caught These are the type of days that we are all seaching and waiting for. Today was your day
  21. I just hope the rest are rescued without anymore tragedy or injuries.
  22. I agree photobucket is the way to go. And when you have a lot of photo's the slide show is awesome
  23. I do cable maintenance for Verizon in Buffalo NY.
  24. Nice job Bruce, glad to see the bite starting to pick up. Let's hope this cold front moving in doesn't shut it down again
  25. Great post!! There's nothing better than getting the little ones out. And I really like the second video, thanks for sharing
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