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smokin joe

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Everything posted by smokin joe

  1. Can someone please help me with the math on this one Wayne + Darryl + Gander MT = Short and Sweet I can't for the life of me figure that one out I think I maybe missing an X and Y component there with X = significant other and Y= baseball bat Anyway have fun guys if you do get together.
  2. Terry do you put these on the body harness and let them retrieve the fish for you? Looks like a golden retriever to me
  3. It was a great day to get out even though the big ones didn't want to come and play, the little ones where fun on the ultra lite "Curious George" sure was trying to go for a swim One of these days he'll settle down and do some real fishing and not the you hook it and I get to reel it in I hope Nothing beats getting out there with some great friends for a days fishing And thanks for the custom streamers Bruce they look awesome
  4. I agree the Walmart on Porter Rd is going to be your best bet Darryl
  5. Happy B-Day man hope you have a great one
  6. Looks like a great vacation, always nice to see the family having a great time. Thanks for posting T.J. But next time include some more fishing pics J/K
  7. Roy do you use regular or the wild rice Rice is a great idea though.
  8. They're in on the Niagara from what I hear
  9. Why not try Port D there is a pier there or you could try Jordan Harbor
  10. That picture is a classic Terry All kidding aside it is nice to see them out there watching over our natural resources
  11. Just send them GPS to GCB problem solved
  12. Chippewa CA in Wellandport. Bruce this sounds like a great place to get the kids out for some fishing and camping. Are you interested? BTW I'm not telling my little one it would be a suprise
  13. No problem man just do what I used to do, fold one that you know is good and put it in your tackle box or wallet
  14. Joey that could have helped us!! Always remember to bring you sign, for the team. I'll see if I can get my other puter up and post the sign I have. Other wise you can use any of the others posted in the pics handwritten We don't have a cat entry yet Joey I apologize if I came of a little strong but we need some entries
  15. Bruce don't hesitate to ask if you need something. I tried to avoid this thread cause of the lose of monitarie reasons . I lost a niece to bone cancer a while back and dread thinking about it to this day. Now having a son of my own I just try to avoid some of the tragedy's of life. And please don't get me wrong I don't mean only the health ones but the accidents that happen. So I tend not to read to many of these threads. This time I'm glad I did believe it or not, and Bruce if you need anything just let me know, my friend.
  16. Thanks for the great report and pics, cats can always give up that great fight and noone can argue with that
  17. Then I guess I shouldn't mention Stripers I used to fish for that went for 30+ The lower will hopefully clear soon, not near as much ice on the way home than on the way to work today. It was mainly in the center of the river and the rainbow so hopefully it will break up
  18. Great job Jeff!!! WTG man, leave some for me
  19. Excellent suggestion Joey and may I add just watch for the Ice coming through the narrow area's, there are a lot of clear chunks just below the surface
  20. I had to work today so it wasn't an option How'd everyone do? Sorry to hear about your net stout fellow I'm sure someone picked it up and will get it back to you
  21. Hey Gerritt maybe he knew you planning on going and chasing Cats around without him.
  22. Congrats to you both on the birth of your daughter Before you know it she'll be out fishing you and you'll be wondering what happened
  23. Hey Wayne just put a couple of gun mounts on the side of your plane You'll make a fortune
  24. I'm willing to bet that Bigugli has a sure fire recepie to for rockbass. I've been to a few of his fishfries and I can honestly say that he can make just about any fish taste good. And when you put him and JWL in the kitchen watch out!!!!!
  25. Nice Cat there Becky and welcome to the board. As for the nail color judging from the pic, just ask Bly which color that Cliff was using for the day OK I have to ask, was Peyton crying cause dad wasn't catching anything or cause she knew he was doing it all wrong and had to show him
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