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smokin joe

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Everything posted by smokin joe

  1. I believe an intervention is in order here. You have taken the first step in admiting your problem and confronting it head on. The next step should be that you don't need a tackle box for every lake. What you need is a larger two sided box so you can combine lakes by geographical area, thus cutting down on the space taken.
  2. WTG man!!! Glad to see someone helping someone else out Congrats Terry on the new auger I got one too but the handle and gas cap were missing Seriously though it's always a great feeling when you can help someone else
  3. Great post and congrats on getting into the toothie critters there snag Try this for your tournie sign, just keep in mind the more wind the larger the clip to use
  4. Congrats to you both on another successful trip, thanks for the post and great pics
  5. That's a beauty way to end a skunk streak, thanks for the pic and report freshwaterfanatic
  6. There have been a few threads on this, you may want to do a search. I personally like to use a piece of surgical tubing or electrician heatshrink, slid down over the R Bend to close it
  7. So thats where JWL sent it
  8. Great pics and report Bruce It was a great time had by all. Thanks again for bringing the extra rods, they're already talking about getting out again
  9. I once met an 89 year old gentleman at a Metallica concert there with his granson. He was asking his grandson why he couldn't keep up I guess my point is that it's amazing how we percieve the aging process. Remember when a lot of us though 30 was old, the 40, etc.... We'll all get there soon enough and not think anything of it. I agree with you both that that's where we get our inspiration, and that's why we don't think much of it once it's us!
  10. Congrats to you both and thank you for the post and pics Glad to hear that Pauls back is doing better
  11. Very nice video, thanks for posting I love catching big cats.
  12. Congratulations to you both on the wonderful addition to your family.
  13. Welcome to the board ADB
  14. Sounds like a great trip BigCliff, and Bruce WTG at putting you two on top of them
  15. Well working outdoors all year round I don't think I'll have any problems People always ask me how on earth I can have a tan in the middle of winter
  16. I would have to say a 4 stroke simply in case they pass the ban on 2 strokes.
  17. Looks great Bruce!! We'll have to do another fishfry/game pot luck soon I'll supply and help just don't let me near the stove, prep work isn't a problem but when it comes to the cooking part
  18. Great pics and post Snag well done Glad to hear that you're thinking of the fish's well being when taking pics and not just laying them on the ground Here's a suggestion for you that may help. What about using a clip of some sort to clip the sign in the middle of the tape measure somewhere? I would think that as long as you're showing an accurate measurement that it would be acceptable.
  19. As long as it wasn't for a cash grab and for a good cause. I wouldn't have a problem with it if the monies collected were put back into the Salmon/Trout stocking program. NYS does a lot towards the stocking of these species.
  20. I'd say you probably need to prepare it similiar to Venison, not sure though
  21. I agree Slowpoke, I picked up a 17' Ranger with a 115 hp last year and have to watch both Erie and Ontario on which days that I could get out. It's all in what you're looking for.
  22. Welcome aboard Oliver
  23. I agree with you there Ben nice to see others concerned with the spawners I prefer in the 2-4 pound range for the table
  24. Great job Bruce!!! I'll definately have to get a few of those from you We'll have to get out and try that walleye spot we've been talking about soon. I'm heading down there in a little while to check it out. I'll let you know the conditions a little later on
  25. I found this one too, careful though this one's in the US so the pricing may vary
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