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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. If you can use live bait hit a creek on the same lake and grab some crawfish and hang on.... Check out the thread on how to catch them. If you can't find crawfish grab some live leeches from a fishing store. With either bait where you know the bass are just toss them out a hook no weight of any kind leave the bail open and let the bass take them for a run when the bass stops KEEP waiting when the line moves the bas is committed set the hook.
  2. Working in the service industry where I get Mondays and Fridays off is paying off finally LOL.
  3. If you were taking pictures who poured water over the reel to keep the gears from burning up? LOL
  4. Actually this time around it is the reverse of the last time. Before it was the Liberals in Ottawa and Conservatives in Toronto. It is a party neutral situation... Government bloats by inertia and then has to be trimmed, or we will be like Greece. I don't ever see an end to it. Harper is spending like a drunken sailor federally just as much as McGinty is here.
  5. No pics were taken because there is no open season for the type of fish. It was inadvertently caught and released immediately. Having 10+ anglers there who I fish with all the time, share the experience was better than a picture anyhow.
  6. Look for costs to triple when dealing with the MNR.... The last time a Premier cut services in this province the employees with any spine or ability took the buy out. They then became "consultants for hire", so everytime you wanted approval you had to hire one of them, the government responded by hiring one too. Add in the employee who stayed in the ministry also trying to justify their job and price of doing business went through the roof.... In most cases the tax payer got stuck paying for all the costs. Deja vu all over again....
  7. I have to say that on Sunday night the owners of North Erie went above and beyond for me ,my dad and another angler. After getting out of work late, I was unable to get to down in time to catch minnows before dark to fish with over night. At 11 o'clock I pulled in to see if by chance someone was still there.... Boats were pulling out of the water but the staff was gone. An angler who was pulling out his boat asked what I wanted, I said I was just looking for minnows, but it was no big deal. He said he needed to buy fuel so he was going to go see if the owner would come back and pointed out the door to knock on. I was reluctant but then I figured if anyone was going to come back to help him that if I stayed then at least they would have two customers.... I could tell the woman who answered the door was really tired but nevertheless she came down and helped us both out!!! That allowed me to be out on the pier and be lucky enough to catch the fish of a lifetime while trying for perch. For that I am extremely thankful! Too often on boards we hear about bad experiences this was a good one in so many ways. Thanks again to the owners for putting themselves out like that.
  8. In KW even if they had broken in and stolen everything in the car the police will not send someone out... Had that happen a few years ago. The police there will just ask for an inventory of what was stolen, and will write you a police report for insurance....
  9. The easiest way to catch crayfish is with a small square minnow net with about 12ft of rope on it, waders or shorts and wading shoes... At the river stay close to either bank to block off oneside, throw the net in front of you pull on the rope until the net is sitting upright on the bottom at a bit of a backward angle. Now walk toward the net kicking up the stones and rocks forcing any crayfish to back away from you and be trapped in the net. Lift up the net and put the crayfish in a minnow bucket with a bit of long wet grass to keep them moist while you are fishing. Back in the day before the law changed due to the invasive species threat , I used to be able catch 5 or 6 dozen crayfish in about 15 minutes this way, it was just as much fun as bass fishing after (at that time you could have 120 in your possession) When I didn't use them all on a trip I had a single purpose square plastic tote with air holes in the top that I would line with wet newspaper layers and just keep the remainder in the fridge. They would last about 8 to 10 days no problem.... This is how restaurants without water tanks get their lobsters shipped in. The cold slows them down and the wet newspaper keeps them moist. I don't even bother bass fishing now without being able to transport them over land... since the bass quarry I used to fish is 80ft deep I doubt I could convince a CO I waded in and caught the crayfish there LOL.
  10. I used to use Chapman's large ice cream square tubs. Fill to about 2" from the top turn upside down grip the top edge and the ice would pop right out.. The only draw back was having to use up the crappy ice cream first. The chocolate ice cream mixed with chocolate milk made a fair milkshake it was the only way I could stomach the ice cream LOL.
  11. All the shareholders/owners/managing directors of the company should have gotten a 3yr MANDATORY jail term, and the laws need to be changed to make that the penalty for this. The driver should get 2yrs MANDATORY in jail, for being too ignorant to check his damn cargo to see that it complied with the law... Everyone knows that if able to, certain cultures will release these fish alive into one of the Great Lakes as a ritual. That can not be stopped, only the supply of the carp can be. If enough of them get released they will establish a breeding population very quickly. Since these carp are "cold" water species, and were able to over run over all other species in the warm waters of the Mississippi, just imagine what they will do in water with cooler temperatures. The cost if they get established will likely be the decimation of a fishery worth upwards of 6 BILLION a year on both sides of the border. That is NINE zeros folks. It is time to stop playing games with these importers, and let them stay on the public's dime for a lengthy spell to get their attention. Fines don't seem to be stopping this from happening, especially since the fines are proabably never paid. It only costs a few grand to collapse a company, leaving it unable to pay the fines, and start another one the following week, with all the equipment and assets intact... I am sure some lawyers are working on doing that right now for these guys.
  12. Port Bruce has ZERO perch this year DO NOT waste your time going there....
  13. Having seen all 3 episodes, I was fairly impressed. Good acting for the most part. After the first installment I was worried they had made a remake of "titanic" using the feud as just a historical backdrop to a love story. By the end though they were back to telling about the feud. I don't know exactly how accurate it is though. Really though with a feud like that who would know what was the REAL story but the people dead and buried. Except for court transcripts and the government records all the rest would just be from letters if they survived and those letters would be just a bunch of "they said" and "we did" yadda yadda yadda go team. I read an article that Paxton visited the real area before he flew over to Romania to shoot it, and that he didn't really feel any affinity for his character. Pretty good acting by him is that was true...
  14. The most important tip is you want to lucky rather than good. I have seen 3 people using the exact same setup, bait from the same container and only one will be catching fish. I have also fished with many "experts" who came up dry when I was with them. Even though they claim they could catch tons of fish on any given day. Catching chrome is sometimes a game of millimeters, adjust weights, floats, colors and baits constantly until something happens. BE a spy watch how the people catching fish are rigged up. Why? So many times I just watch what the daily expert is doing and soon I am catching fish too. One time I was pier fishing with a pal who had given me some roe two days before. I had, had 3 fish on and he hadn't had a sniff. He demanded to see my setup since he knew we had the same roe, I was bottom fishing with a leader about foot longer than he was using. He rerigged, cast and before he could open his bail and wrap the line around his pill bottle a fish pulled his rod, the bucket it was in the holder of right in to the lake. I guess he finally had the right setup LOL. Don't worry though I caught his rod with the fish on it about 2 hrs later.
  15. Go digital at least as mentioned... If you want to go with an HD receiver there are deals from EVERY provider who will let you have the receiver rental free for six months to a year available most of the time so pick when you sign up. After the trial period it is very easy to continue to get similar savings from whoever your provider is. I have personally had no problem getting bills reduced from 200.00 for top tv/phone/internet packages per month to 130.00 taxes included just by calling and asking what specials are offered to keep me as a customer? It is such a scam that you have to ask, suggest you will move to another provider if nothing cheaper is available but 70 bucks a month savings for a 15 minute phone call once a year is time well spent to me. The www.redflagdeals.com forums ongoingdeals section will have all the info on all the providers and what they are offering currently. Some of these deals are even "secret" from contract sellers who can give a better price for new customers than you can get from calling directly (especially true for Shaw direct!!!)
  16. Did you write Cabelas and the manufacturer to ask who is responsible? I remember a couple years back when some pricing on Shimano gear was about 50% more here basically after looking into it it boiled to down just because they could have their way with us they were. Made me stop buying from them and start to support other companies who were within 8 to 9% difference sometimes in Canada's favour too.
  17. My understanding is if you aren't fly fishing you aren't likely to ever get them in that area.... As for spots used to be just like any creek trout. Anywhere there is a rock for them to sit behind as the current goes by you might find one. If there are over hanging branches that will almost certainly cause you to cast into them EVEN better. If you can find a spot where the temp of water drops a few degrees due to depth or shade would probably help too.
  18. Hopefully that pike is related to the ones around here.... in about 10 minutes you can rehook the same pike. Seen more than one friend get his bait back that way. Unless it was a cuban why not just drop the cigar LOL.
  19. I would love to know what the people who are ripping on mechanics and garages do to make their money LOL. I am sure everyone who thinks they are being stung so badly, just donate their time where they work and they then live off manna from heaven.... Took a lot to be that civil btw LOL.
  20. The sad truth is we still aren't paying the true cost of electricity. During the 70's 80's and most of the 90's Ontario gave away power to manufacturers at less than cost. That is why we all now get to enjoy paying the debt retirement charge with COMPOUND interest. Between the COMPOUND interest and the fact that 90% of the companies who racked up that debt have moved manufacturing off shore the remaining customers are getting screwed and not kissed. What is especially sickening is the debt was "said" to be 7.8 billion and the charges have generated an estimated 8.7 Billion in revenue, however the government estimates that debt will not be retired until at least 2015 or as far out as 2018. It will probably take longer with the "10%" off we get now... I would rather pay 10% more now than the compound interest "another" loan. Of course we will never know the truth about what it actually costs vs what we pay as no government could survive after letting us know.
  21. I have used Ande but really prefer Raven Mainline now. Less Stretch less memory problems than I had with Ande and the green is more visible. That said the last time I was Angler Outfitter he had both and so did the Fishing Store in Stratford.
  22. LeBarons sells a device called Big Norm's magic fish scaler on page 129 of their catalogue... If you like perch with the skin on it would be the best 6 bucks you ever spend. You can do a perch and scale it bald in about 20 seconds.
  23. I like the 3 I have.... for the money I don't think they can be beat. If you put them up against any other manufacturers reel at the same price, you won't go wrong with the President. Two of mine are 6yrs old I used to steelhead 4 times a week with them all winter long for two years using one to bottom fish and one to float. I like that they are tough as nails and cheap enough you don't have to baby them.
  24. Apparently they are a cold water fish and would do even better than they have down south.... Scary huh?
  25. See there is your problem!!! All that cheap junk made overseas just doesn't last LOL.
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