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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. If the waders are new you should be able to get an exchange although you should have a bill (explain that they were a gift). Bring the bill with the rod. If it was a defect there will be no issue getting a replacement.
  2. Great report Mike. Way to go Ryan!!!
  3. Great belated intro Mark. Glad to see you're back in the game. Those BPS receipts can sure add up!!
  4. Keep on going Jimbo.. As many have said, keep that positive attitude. Had a good buddy that they wrote off three times. That was 5 years ago and he's still clear! Just remember Ya gotta Believe!!!!
  5. I wonder who was happier, him or Dad. Congratulations on a great moment and lifetime memory!!
  6. 11 great buddies including my two sons and my brother. Good friends, good fishing and a little music along the way......
  7. I will be staying at Memquisit (just around the corner) from the 17th to 21st for our Annual FishGuts Fall Classic. I will be sure to stop by. Gotta meet the Dawg and a few others I haven't met yet as well.
  8. Amazing story too Bunker. I love that happy place you always take me to!
  9. AMAZING photos once again MB. Now to go back and read the story. You always take me to that happy place.
  10. I'm a Cogeco customer in Grimsby and have it.
  11. Great trip TJ! I wasn't too far from you. 15 miles north east.
  12. Great shots Clive. The first of many great fishing trips!
  13. Way to go Jamie!!! Great shot!
  14. Great news Dan!! Congratulations! Your life just got twice as good!
  15. Bought a Pflueger Supreme Baitcast Reel a few years ago and its a very decent reel. Sort of nostalgic for me. I have my Dad's Plueger from the 30's and my brother bought a Pleuger Supreme in 1958 and still uses it to this day (50 years old this year!!) My first reel that I bought when I was 16 (many many years ago) was a Pflueger Trump. If the new baitcasters are anything like the Pflueger President spinning reels they will be an awesome bang for the buck reel.
  16. Very sorry to hear Gary. That's a tough way to lose her. My condolences.
  17. Great report Mike. Happy Anniversary!
  18. Congratulations Connie. A wonderful accomplishment and a wonderful family to be proud of.
  19. Nice report Victor. Glad to hear everything went so well with the boat. Better to wait two weeks and slime it with some big bass instead Did the cover fit?
  20. Nice report Lew. Glad your on those toothy critters. Gotta get Sheri back onto them and then we need to see the pics.
  21. A lot of "Kwikfish" are available at Bass Pro. Second row to the left of the reel counter near the main aisle.
  22. Been there and been through it. You were blessed to have him in your life. Its been over 10 years since I lost my buddy and I still think of him often. Got a Father's day card today with a Yellow Lab on the front. Brings back many fond memories. Really sorry to hear of your loss bud. He looked like a great partner.
  23. Looks like a rocket!!! Congratulations.
  24. WOW! That is impressive! It will be interesting to see photos of it on the bottom.
  25. I always look forward to and enjoy your reports. You have set a fire in me to get up north somewhere for those monster pike in the next few years. One of my "50 Things To Do Before I Die"
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