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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. You're a class act Ron. One of the best on the board.............................did I just say that?
  2. That's about the only guy that still does it. I would give him a call and get him to give you an estimate on time.
  3. Amazing job Bernie!! That looks awesome! Brings back a few memories.
  4. Sweet!! That should do the job nicely. Mighty fine combo. Congrats
  5. Dave is absolutely a CLASS act! The best ambassador Canada could have. Good things come to good people.
  6. Wayne, I haven't been around for awhile and this is the first thread that I'm catching up on. An emotional start to say the least. As many have said, it is so hard to find the right words at this time. Just know that your daughter and your family are in my daily prayers. Hang in Wayne, there's a huge family here for support.
  7. That's a beauty Jim! Hopefully will get to see it in real life at Musky Odyssey!
  8. Two Living Legends in the same boat!! AWESOME!! Can't wait to see it.
  9. Good to hear from you SLIM!! Nice report and fish. Hope to see you on Wednesday.
  10. The first of many!! Thanks for a great post Aaron.
  11. Hi Cassandra, I told you this would be the place to get great info. OFNers are the best! Hopefully we'll to see you and your boyfriend in the store before you leave.
  12. Thank you everyone for all the kind comments. I do hope that I will see many of you (and many that I haven't met yet) in the store. Blake's right, I am "slowly" coming up to speed, but this old body can't even keep up to Blake with a bad back!! I always knew the store was busy, but have been very pleasantly surprised at just how busy it is!! They do have many, many great deals!! Wayne's comments were too funny. Don't worry, the earth won't stop spinning Wayne. I'm still a BPS Groupie!! I still have 26 of the 52 stores to get to!!! The only problem is that I won't be getting discount on the 26 T-Shirts!! Lew, you'll have to bring Diane down South to the Hammer, lots of hugs still waiting Ron, I too will miss our conversations, unless of course you make our way to Fishing World. We've got a pretty good selection of Musky tackle and maybe a few that you haven't seen
  13. With Jim and Mike, 2001 & 2003 CFT Team of the Year for starters and probably two of the best Bass Fishermen in this country :worthy: and guys like Blake and Steve in the store, I'm embarrassed to have my BASSMAN licence plates on my van. No way I could use the FWBASSMAN handle. Think I'll stick with my current handle
  14. Lots of Laughs Wayne!!! Still a little hard to believe Not sure what to do with my 50+ BPS T-Shirts!! I have nothing bad to say about BPS especially my co-workers (and customers). Its what kept me going all these years. I must say though that I'm genuinely excited about working at FW. I've always loved the store.
  15. First, the Bad News.….............................. After 5 1/2 years at Bass Pro Shops, I handed in my resignation. My last day was April 8, 2010. It was a great run, from greeting the first customer in the door in November of 2004 right up until this year's Spring Classic that just ended. I have made many new friends and acquaintances, many that will last a lifetime, and met many great OFNers over the years, but it is now time to move on. The job has been a blast, but the one hour plus drive each way finally wore me down. My heart wanted me to stay, but my head said that it just didn't make any sense. Thanks for all the wonderful experiences Bass Pro, but it is time to move on. And now for the GOOD NEWS!! My new employer will be......................... | | | | v | | | | v | | | | v | | | | v Are you ready??????? | | | | v | | | | v | | | | v | | | | v Fishing World!!!! Yeehaaa! I met with Jim and Mike and am really excited about my new adventure!!! Looking forward to working with Blake, Steve, Nick and all the rest of the great staff in the store! Come on in and say hi (and buy some great merchandise). Maybe now I'll get a chance to start posting more often!
  16. Awesome work Rick!!! This should help me keep up with the board on my iPhone!!
  17. I'll look for you Saturday morning Aaron.
  18. Store is only closed 3 days a year. Those are two of them (plus Christmas Day).
  19. WOW!! Great lyrics and wonderful job. Hard to watch without getting teared up. Does anyone know where I could get the lyrics?
  20. Holy Smokes!!!!! I haven't been on much lately, but I just happen to check the board tonight and look what I find!!! What are the chances!! Haven't watched it myself for awhile. We'll have to do another one. Thanks Marc, coming from you its a real compliment. Now if I could just fish like you It was great seeing you today Brian. Thought you could have caught a bigger fish out of Toho though :lol: Ron I will be working Saturday and Sunday in Santa's Wonderland. Come and say hi if you're brave enough to wade through all the kids. Merry Christmas everyone!!
  21. Very impressive Steve, but why am I not surprised. By the way, it looks like Kelly put on a hell of a show too!! Way to go Kelly!!
  22. This one is very close to home. My father died suddenly at the age of 42 when I was 2 and he also loved fishing. I can relate to those kids growing up without a Father. $100 coming your way TJ. OFNers prove once again what a CLASS ACT they are!!!! And Mr. Mercer you never cease to amaze me. Kudos to you my friend. Although I never fished with Sonny, I met him many times and found him to be a such a likeable guy. Rest in peace Sonny.
  23. That's a nice dog Ryan. Is she travelling better these days?
  24. Some GREAT stories already!! That's a very nice gesture Steve. It deserves a lot more entries though. A day with Steve on the water (hard or soft) is a day that will be remembered for a lifetime!
  25. I heard this news from one of his co-workers earlier and have been walking around stunned all day. Way too young and such a great guy. I have been told that he leaves behind a wife and two kids, 3 and 5. My God it is such a tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with Bernadette and his family. Rest in Peace Sonny
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