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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. Sorry I missed you Shaun & Tom. Thoroughly enjoyed the conversation Lew. Its been too long since the last one, but I was sure we only talked for 15 minutes which was the length of my break You must be adding the 15 minutes that I helped you in the store
  2. It was definitely a pleasure meeting you Mike. Great little guy you've got there. Your life will be changing in a very positive way (although your fishing may be reduced a bit for the next few years Lew, it was a great highlight to see you again my friend. Enjoyed the conversation very much! Did you make it out of the store without spending any more money??
  3. Its great that we can laugh about it today! There is definitely a unique and special humour on this site. Get that shoulder back in shape Cliff.
  4. Awesome pic Lew. I really enjoy looking at cloud patterns from above the clouds when up in a plane. It really is amazing how nature has such intricate patterns.
  5. Nice looking fish RF!
  6. Congratulations Joey. I finally know someone who has won something!!
  7. Congrats Maureen! Does that make you a "Train Engineer"??
  8. Chris has been in my prayers every day and I too have been wondering and hoping. The power of prayer is very powerful. We're all here for you.
  9. Hey folks, I'll be in the Fishing Dept on the weekends for the Classic. Stop by to say hi.
  10. Lived in Beamsville for 25 years before I crossed the tracks into Grimsby. Have a son who is raising his family there. Let mem know if you need any info.
  11. Looks like you pulled off another wonderful event and experience Maureen. Only sorry that I didn't get back from Florida soon enough to get sorted out and to help out. Bravo!!
  12. Damn, the first year I'm available between Christmas and New Years!! You can't please all the people all the time.........................................
  13. That's a tough one Rick. Pets give so much of themselves with unconditional love. Here's hoping everything will work out for him...............and you. Take care my friend.
  14. Finally got to meet the guy that has made me spew my coffee all over the keyboard more than once Great finally meeting you Terry........................................................and MeMart.......................Oh yah, great seeing you again too Brian Those other two should be a little more picky about who they hang out with!!
  15. Thanks all, much appreciated. One of my co-workers came into BPS today and wished me a Happy Birthday. I asked him how he knew and he said it was on OFC. Jeez, nothing's a secret anymore Birthday's aren't much fun anymore, but the older you get, the more you appreciate the really important things in life like good friends including my "little internet friends" Brian, I am working tomorrow and get lunch around 2:00. Would love to meet up with you guys.
  16. Great story Lew!! Almost spewed my coffee Raf!!
  17. Beauty Fish Boys
  18. Awwwww, some things in life are consistent...............like your smile Glad to hear you guys got out for the annual skunk to close off the season. The 85 Musky are impressive, but not near as impressive as all the great friends you got to share a boat with. That's what truly made it a great season for you. Hopefully we can share a boat again next year, its something that I really missed this year. As far as the last picture being your favourite, it was nice of yer good wife to sit beside the new GPS while you were taking a picture of it. Diane is a real sweetheart, your best catch and thank god you didn't release her!!!! Thanks for the report Lew.
  19. I had high expectations for this show and it did not disappoint. Dave is such a genuine class act. You have to love that he is not afraid to laugh at himself and his laugh is so infectious. I think the show should go places. Can't wait for the next episode. Way to go Dave!!
  20. Was hoping to at least join you for lunch, but have to work that day. Go get'em boyz!!
  21. I'm getting all tingly waiting for the show!!!!
  22. I have felt your pain Gary, my Mother passed away a few years ago at 92. She lived a full life too, but it still hurts to see her go. Treasure all the good memories and the fortune that she brought you into the world. My thoughts are with you.
  23. Well, not financially, but he now has a Millionaire's family with the addition of Rachel - 7 Lbs 14 oz. a sister for big brother Evan. And I become a very proud Papa once again.
  24. Great News Lew. I've been thinking about doing the same type of thing when I retire.
  25. Amen brother!
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