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Everything posted by bpsbassman

  1. I love my Shimano Reels (Curado and Stradic) You can't really go wrong with a Shimano. Great products.
  2. Thanks Mepps. Finally puts a real story to that picture.
  3. I will get back to you with the exact Company Policy. Don't want to say the wrong thing
  4. And don't forget that BPS will price match with competitors!!
  5. Jackie hasn't gone anywhere, he is now the Department Manager!
  6. I have too. I know I'm biased, but I have found a lot of BPS/XPS equipment to be excellent! I'm probably one of the "clueless" ones, but some of your best contributours on this board are Bass Pro Staff and believe me they DO know their stuff. Everybody doesn't know everything (although some are unbelievably knowledgable across the species). My skill is in knowing who is the expert in the fields that I'm not experienced in and making sure the customer gets the "right" answer. Sorry about your bad experiences SS
  7. Great report and nice cats Jason!! You are unbelievable
  8. Great job Gerritt!!! Beauty looking job.
  9. Congratulations Mike. You can see the glow on your face. I'm really happy for you. May you have many years of happiness and success in your new ride!
  10. Glad to hear life is finally going in the right direction. You've been through a lot lately.
  11. I've had many opportunities to talk to Dave at BPS. A better ambassadeur for our your sport you will not find anywhere. Unbelievable positive influence on the kids. I think he was telling me that he has 2500 Mercer Mercenaries!
  12. I followed that thread. Pretty amazing!!
  13. All the best PF. Look forward to some Southern reports.
  14. Here's my best friend. He's been gone for a number of years now. There'll never be another one like him. Blue's ashes will be going with mine.
  15. What Mike said. I remember guys usng the ikea bags with good success.
  16. You're a CLASS act Joe and one of the foundations of what makes this place so great.
  17. I'm really sorry to hear this Ron. I had a friend that was lost to ALS. They'll be in my prayers.
  18. A bad day fishing is better than a ........... You know the drill. Glad to hear you got out and thanks for the report.
  19. Great job and excellent how to. Very much appreciated and I can understand the satisfaction. Unfortunately for me, the satisfaction would probably turn to rage and rather than being therapeutic, I would be needing therapy!!! Wish I had your patience and courage!
  20. Ryan, Nice to see your partner is better looking than you!
  21. I know Ryan. He/she's one of our finest!!
  22. Looks like a great day on the water Ryan. Nice post. Just ignore eyeforelle, she's just jealous!
  23. WOW!! Beauty ride Pete. You must be shaking just waiting to get 'er out.
  24. Looking very good Gerritt. Keep us posted on the progress. Hope to get mine out of storage today.
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