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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. They're pretty to look at now... but wait till they start treading in your wife's flower patch!!
  2. Now that's funny... Stun beau brohhhet grand!!
  3. Right on!! We could all use a little more IRON in our diets.. Pete I think we're due for a brodown with beers brah! HD
  4. As I recall Gibbs also makes a croc spoon almost identical to Luhr Jensen... I use the 1/2oz all the time. Many a northern have fallen for em over the years! Chris that red spoon with the black dots is a Gibbs if I'm not mistaken. cheers HD
  5. GTA wise we target largies, smallies, pike and trouts.. Always looking to add to the A-List!! Drop me a PM anytime. HD
  6. To quote the Simpsons.. Lisa: "So do you think I can play?" Jazz Guy: "Oh lord NO!!" Lisa: "Why??" Jazz Guy: You've enherited a form of stubbiness. It's usually past down from the father's side." Homer, whilst trying desperately to clutch a beer: "Stupid fingers!!!"
  7. Clearly... it's the stubby gene!!
  8. That's the sexiest thing I've evah seen!!
  9. Yeah what the heck?! Good grief. A guide posts a thread about an incredible day, so it's automatically marked as shameless self promoting.. Just spread it on budday!
  10. Great!! Wonderful!! But, we're still waiting for a team name cap'm.. With all those lunkers you must have an entry doncha?! HD
  11. Everybody has their methods... If the reel isn't dropped in the salt, it shouldn't need to be taken apart and methodically cleaned and oiled... a lupe warm bath followed by a quick rince outta do it. I'm sure you'll have a blast out there. Just remember, never loose sight of your camera. I made that mistake at Heathrow and lost a brand new dslr with about 500 shots of our trip... That's the only reason I didn't put up a spread.. It would have been useless without pichures. Good luck!
  12. Ba... eerrrr.. Nuckle Buster!!
  13. Telly I just got back from Belize and used the same reels.. You can use your freshwater gear but remember to completely submerge them in warm water every night... I forgot to rinse them on one of the nights and did get some corrosion on my stradic, but hey, it's all about character!! cheers HD
  14. I distinctly recall some other videos of pike takes!! Seemed to be some unfortunate leader malfunctions.. Can ya dig those up too??
  15. I'll call that and raise ya another BLEEPEDY BLEEP!! Sweeeeeet!!
  16. Another wall of famer!! I'll still remember you as Joe though..
  17. Wow!! Yep. Some lakes get fished out.. Word gets out that those lakes a trout factories.. They get added to the list. And there's always a few fish that manage to elude fisherman and grrooowww!! Last year's back country ice trip in Espanola.. 3 days, crazy blizzards, righteous cold.. One fish. Reality bites! HD
  18. Lucky bugger... Tease.. We gonna git a report to go with this??! HD
  19. Good thing Crosby had that second chance.. WHAT A GAME!!
  21. My new fave is a 7ft avid paired with a Stradig MG 3000.. Balance is right on, the extra fast tip makes it easy to drive those hooks home and it has just enough give to feel that jerk bait twitch when you load the rod.. The extra length is great for working big pike off the harbour walls too!! HD
  22. Yah that's a classic! How do you get a nose bleed from just sheer exitement?? I want one too!
  23. KEWL!!
  24. Whoah I can't believe what I'm reading!! Budday, do your thing and don't worry about these knobs... Just look at their last topics! By the way, I've got some new n improved pike leaders here for ya. You ever in the GTA?? How'd you like to tango with a 40 incher!! cheers HD
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