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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. What a trooper!! He's rocking the fury pose just like his old man. Way to go brother. HD
  2. Those harbour pike?!
  3. Grreat report budday!! Not exactly Updike Beefy, but short and just oh so sweet.. Me thinks I'll be seeing jumping halos in my dreams tonight. Thanks HD
  4. Nice turtle! Painted or Slider?! There's some good crappies in there too.. cheers HD
  5. Wow thanks!! Some people here must have thought they were above the law.. 1st Saturday in May for zone 20..
  6. Ya know, I'm a shore angler too and I understand your plight.. However, giving up shore access spots can be a touchy thing. I've learned over the years that people spiel only after a trust is established. This sort of info doesn't get handed out, it gets gradualy handed down by spending time on the water with people you're kewl with. Do a little google searching, find some shore access spots, meet people, pay atttention. All kinds of water out there.. oh and take some pichures! HD
  7. Wow that's some phat trout!!
  8. That's class dude. Way to go!!
  9. What a trip!! Fantastic brookies too. You guys must be freaken sore! cheers HD
  10. Good times brah! You do realise that I'll need my steel fix this week, before pike opener.. C'mon.. let's see more crunk shots!!
  11. Right on!! Little beauties on a sweet little lake.. How'd you get that close to the turtle without spooking him?!
  12. Maudites belles grises mon grand! Tu me fait penser a nos fin de semaines dans notre petit lac à truites.. On pêchais du canot a gang trolle, à l'aviron.. Fantastique!!
  13. Unreal.. You make me wanna hurl!! Good post dude.
  14. You outta write to Nolitours and kick up a big stink. Booked a trip with Sunwing to Belize and it was the same kinda logistical nightmare.. We missed our connection from Roatan and had to spend the night.. Rep mia.. freaking departing and entering taxes and not enough change!! It was a total farce. Got 500 bones worth of vouchers though, in case I decide to give em another chance, the buggers. HD
  15. Wow those are prime fish dude!! Nice water too.. Too bad about the hoards. cheers HD
  16. That water looks mighty turbid.. and cold.. You must know your craft! Those bream remind me of our fresh water drum! Thanks for sharing
  17. Absolutely awesome!! The third pudding shot is priceless.. Just lookit that gape man! cheers HD
  18. That's some mighty fine looking sheep!!
  19. Cesspool or not, you have a pretty kewl back yard Laz.. Fastforward to Saturday!! HD
  20. Nice! It's about time! Keep plugging that drift bud.. There's gotta be a lunker spring salmon still hanging around. very kewl. HD
  21. Thanks Erik. Nothing like halibut you've caught yourself. There's a spot up the street that serves fish and chips, english style. The halibut is flown in daily and still, i doesn't even come close to the one I cooked up. Mind you, size does make a big difference.
  22. HAHAH! Very sharp dood. Lemme know when you need a netter!
  23. Brother your wee ones ain't getting so wee no more! And still only 28... I just turned 30 myself. Quite possibly the best, and worse day of my life haah! Nice deck. Gonna look even better with a range! cheers HD
  24. Just a little sf brah.. Behave!!
  25. bugs and lightning.. D'OH!!
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