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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. You're a good man Ryan. This is sure to bring you good vibes all around. Respect brah. cheers HD
  2. Why do you have to torment us like this??!! I should be getting orders ready, and yet, I can't pull myself away from this desk for some unexplicable reason.. C'mon guys, enough of this fandangling.. HD
  3. Yeasure.. Maybe Tanya will let me stash em in the vegetable crisper!
  4. Good fish!! It's amazing how a couple degrees makes a difference.. cheers HD
  5. Beauties Mike... It's been a great fall! Thanks for being discreet. I've been meaning to post some local fish too.. What do you use to edit your shots? cheers HD ps. Looking good Telly.
  6. Better put that one in the Maybe Pile brother... HAHAHAAH!! cheers HD
  7. Another whopper.. Was this Saturday???!!
  8. My tourny partner landed a fish very similar to that one. We were fishing late spring droppies at the time.. The fish was tagged the fall before and we caught it above Norval the following spring... Even though it's diet changed, it retained the colours it had from the lake.. That's a splendid fish though mon frère!! cheers HD
  9. Good work bone diddlies!! I'd say Lazer's brown is a resie. Paul, your chrome brown looks to be an alewife muncher... cheers HD
  10. It's looking good!! But I'll be stuck at the shop.. When life hands you a grape, you make wine with it eh? Go eazy on him!! He's very timid with a 6 footer.. Good luck boyz. Slay em good for all the rest of us pencil pushers.
  11. S't'un maudit beau poisson mon grand! gay man une histoire à faire des beaux dodos.. One drift, time check.. one more drift.. (phone rings) Oh snap!! I know what that's like. Monday was supposed to be my day.. Deadlines and backorder deliveries. Que c tu veux hein? cheers HD
  12. en sacrament hein??!! Merci dood.
  13. I heard it too..
  14. yee gawds that's just gross!
  15. Hey Jamie!! Lovin it so far. I wanna help. I gots an idear for the show... Flyfishing for esox, from a tube, in full view of the CN Tower.. How does that sound??!!
  16. Awwww... You notice how our fish have prettier, sleeker jaw lines than fish from the states?? What's with that??! check out Solo's November Bounty... It's definetly noticeable! Looks like the last smashed a prop or something.. damn ugly!! cheers HD
  17. HAHAAH!! Kidder...
  18. Cool. Couldn't do it brother... Every girl is just too precious to bonk. I'm running low though. A loose hen chinny would be a great find!!
  19. Oh behave...
  20. Thanks dude! Surprisingly enough, the pic was taken with an old powershot 4mp. A better camera would have really brought out the pink. She still hounds me about that cam.. Think we'll need to upgrade.
  21. Starting to see more of these.. Thought it was more common stateside. Dunno if that's a good thing or not.. A trout's a trout right?? What a purty girl though eh! Sweet dreams.. HD
  22. Kittys like bunnies! Unless you're a panther, bigger... ears tend to be more on the menu!! yuk yuk
  23. Ayight!! Nice mixed bag of treats dude. cheers HD
  24. You got jacks in your neck of da woods Wayne??!
  25. Niiice.. Gotta love steel in lieu of dinner!! I dunked my cam a coupla weeks ago.. Started walking and heard the distinct sound of circuitry frying.. No biggy, xept is was the gfs pink cybershot! cheers HD
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