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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Obviously we have a very different perception of what "Decent" is... You're just making us squirm ain't ya?!
  2. OMG they're breeding!! Just razzing ya..
  3. I hear they're working on a new container for their gulp baits... I'd have to agree with you on those... As for the line, cold temps play a big part in the memory.. HD
  4. I think that's Mandalay Bay Art.
  5. Actually, it's not. But that's never been a problem.. It's also against the law to solicite sex, but you'll be harrassed by locals flicking call girl cards at you pretty much everywhere!!
  6. AHAAH!! What happens in Vegas, NEVER happened.
  7. Oh yeah MGM Grand has a great buffet... and you're right on the strip to boot.. For eats you also got the famous Brazilian buffet where they wheel sticks of meat to your table.. Be sure to check out Cirque du Soleil's tribute to the Beattles - LOVE. Also, among true Vegas shows is the Jubilee, which has the same show, a la topless!! There's also the wax museum and an awesome aquarium that will blow your mind. A plethora of clubs but my favourites were PURE and Luxxor. PURE's in Ceasar's Palace so it would be walking distance to you. Oh the girlies!! I'm not a big gambler, but I like the craps tables (5-10$) cause they offer lots of play time and I don't blow the bank. The potential for a nice payout is there too. Be careful with the dollar pina coladas though... They're chalk full of something, but it ain't alcohol! Oh and if you go on a lude trip, don't steal Mike Tyson's tiger!! I'm going for my bachelor party at the end of May (getting hitched in June) and I plan on getting it all out of my system before the big day.. Have fun!! cheers HD
  8. She's gotta be up to something.. Did ya happen to notice a new shoe rack??!!!
  9. There's a peruvian dish you outta try called Ceviche! Instead of cooking the fish with heat, you're actually cooking with the acid from limes or lemonds! A friend of mine prepared it for supper one night and it was great. Makes you feel like a million bucks too!! cheers HD
  10. Ah yeah I'm pretty sure it's the same post. Ya just retold the same story and updated your website. Post a link to your business in your handle like most people here, don't plaster it all over your reports. It just looks a little less blatant.
  11. Like Wayne mentioned... Maybe it's time for a little cleanup.. By hounds you must mean the mods, where good judgement dictates wether or not a thread is pulled. Otherwise, if we're the hounds, then.. I guess we're entitled no?
  12. I've got a premier PS70MF - 3 piece that always finds it's way into my luggage. A great all around stick if the winds kick up and it's too tough to fly cast. Just got back from Belize and it was pretty much the only thing I casted all week. A little light for cudas and poons but perfect for snook and bones! It might be more than 90 but worth every penny. cheers HD
  13. Nothing wrong with pictures from long time contributors.. They're not links redirecting someone to their website. This is pretty much the same report from January, all with links to Angler's Kingdom. The URLs outta be from youtube or vimeo, photobucket, not from a website you put up yourself. How funny of you to chime in and call others keyboard commandos... Isn't that what ya just did?
  14. You may not be promoting hunting.. But you're sure as heck promoting something!
  15. Ah the memories!! Had me going there for a sec. Thanks for the post. HD
  16. A small game license outta do ya.
  17. Did she lay some rabbit eggs before she went to heaven???!!! Nice work bud. Those hind paws look groteskly huge.. An extra lucky rabbit's foot in there no doubt! cheers HD ps. P3TA now knows your IP!! j/k
  18. What aboot the option to blurr pics TJ??
  19. Wow. You've got a great gig there Aaron. Well done!! The sounder you guys are using... Which unit is that?? cheers HD
  20. Prhaps they were doing Fall Walleye Index Netting??
  21. Holly cripes!! Lucky me.. I got OFC wherever I go.. Including the shop!! Now what was I working on again?!
  22. You got a link?? Only news about a flood here is the one in 1980!!
  23. You saw Avatar too huh??! That line was such a joke!! HELL NO WE WON"T GO!!
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