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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Chewing tinfoil also comes to mind.. Dave could do the slap chop too!! Just razzing ya Dave.. Where'd you git that snazzy t-shirt tux??!
  2. My exact sentiments.
  3. Well it ain't me.. Gawd no lol!! Our new member and my patna in crime, Laszlo, AKA LAZAH, is gonna be a dad!! I just got a text that Anna's in labour... All the best budday!! cheers HD
  4. Stick to the farr side and wear earthy colours.. Be kind and let the crappies go!! HD
  5. Duuude. Tisk tisk..
  6. Merry Christmoukah!! HD
  7. Another one bites the..... LURE!!! Welcome aboard mang. HD
  8. Good to see ya again Bubba. I didn't realise till now how much I missed ya!! You sure that's a blue cat??! cheers HD
  9. 4yrs old huh?? C'mon eh!! Ya know.. I've seen worse from grownups. At least Kev gets it. There's some rubes out there who never will. HD
  10. Right on Erik. If only I had a boat.. I'd bug ya to have a go at them browns! cheers bud
  11. Beached nurse shark. Makes me wanna floss!! HD
  12. Nicely done homay! Yeah she's alright.. I guess. Fighting those monster steelies must be a good workout.. Someone call a plumber. Those pipes are about to burst!! cheers HD
  13. Sounds like an early ice makes for a tough bite.. Don't worry dood, you'll git em! Stay safe out there. cheers HD
  14. That's terrible.. Hope she pulls through. I know I'd wanna get kushdeed up too if my dog was ill.. HD
  15. Great spot to kill time! It's like casting into the void there.. Whatcha want is that deep slack water at the foot of the rapids in the Humber.. I can feel that you're getting closer.. very close now.. HD
  16. Atlantic salmon... Iceland heli style.. Yeasure!! HD
  17. Who you calling rube, hippy??
  18. Clive's got it. Tarpon put up the most ferocious, violent head shakes and the best runs!! Yep. I'd go with baby tarpon on an 8wt. Where you gonna be in 2010 Brother?? I'm leaving for Belize on the 28th... YYYYEEEEEEEEHHH!! Steelies come in second, mostly because of geographical convenience... HD
  19. I'm using #8 Siglon F and it's not bad. I bulk up on leftovers for backing and connect the lines with a clean blood knot, and use maybe 60-70 yds of the siglon as the running line.. Like you said, it creates less drag on those long drifts because the line stays on top of the water... But even with a micro swivel above the float, I still get tons of line twist, but that's probably from side casting... I'm also finding myself having to constantly make sure the line is securely on the spool before I start spinning... If you're not careful, the line ends up looping around the handles and not the spool!! This is a huge pain and when that line on the handles falls off all at once, then the curses really ensue!! What line should I graduate to when I'm not a newbie, oh lord master ruler of the pin Bill?? cheers HD
  20. And for the love of Peter let's sleep in next time brah!! We're at the rivah at 6:15am and we have to wait until after 10 for our first fish?? That's just ridonculous! Good times mang, good times. HD
  21. Bahahah.. Yeah wut's up with that red dot?? Does it change colour when she gets mad or something??!!
  22. When I can make it out to where you are brother.. soon!! Until then I rely on the unwaveing faith that this nonsense with the mto will end..
  23. Back for seconds... That water looks unreal. Oh and shave your scruff ya hippy!!!
  24. Ahhh budday. Almost makes me want to have a coupla rug rats... Almost.
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