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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Hey Paul don't we have the same gas can turtle frames with the amber lenses?!?! These lenses are good, almost too good. So good in fact that I had to train myself not to set the hook when I see a take, but rather to wait until I felt the wheight... I flossed a BIG pike last month because I set the hook too early!! I'd say stick with the polarized Oakley's.. Best bang for the buck IMO. The underwater world will literally open up right before your eyes, and your catch rate will increase big time, especially while sight fishing. cheers HD
  2. HAHAH!! That was great Mike. My old man is starting to slip too.. His favourite responce to the old "what do you want for your birthday?" question is: "I want a brain transplant..." cheers brother HD
  3. You seeing white rabbits too Laz?!?!
  4. You mean like this?!?! I've caught a hand full of pike after dusk, but they were all flukes. I think BC was just as surprised as I was when he hooked into this guy.. Only reason we were still out that late was because we still had some brews left in the cooler..
  5. Unagi.. Dang you're making me drool!!
  6. Kaiser Soze.. KAISER SOZE!!!
  7. Scraggly little critters!!
  8. You done good again Dad! Hope the sale of the house goes well.. Hope the move doesn't take you too far from us!! cheers HD
  9. Thanks Downshot. I was thinking either Island Ten or Red Pine.. And it looks like Island Ten only caters to US clientele.. haah Looks like trolling cranks produces well. I'll have to try that next time we're up there. cheers HD
  10. Very nice!! If you don't mind me asking, which lodge did you stay at??! cheers HD
  11. Very nice JB!! I've heard Sparrow can be a tough nut to crack.. From what you've shown us it seems a bit more promising, even worth a day's boat rental. Keep em comin! cheers HD
  12. That was awesome budday!! Some solid fish there.. And looks like you got more to work with on the top.. I myself am this close to having a combover!! cheers HD
  13. That's a no-brainer eh?!?!
  14. What? No billboard and stringer pic??!! I hope to tie into those on the fly come September.. Very noice! cheers HD
  15. Beauty pics sug!! Shame I couldn't make it.. Would have been nice to see you and Paul again.. That and doing the crunk hoochy dance around the fire!! Awesome.
  16. Dat dere's some nice fish pron!! merci grand! HD
  17. Howdy! Managed to sneak away for a coupla hours of tubbing this morning. Was invited to hit the Otonabee but couldn't commit to the whole day unfortunately. Hope the mctrio did good. Slipped into the water around 930ish under overcast skies and a slight drizzle.. Turns out the rain wouldn't let up until I was packing er in.. And me without rain gear. I was totally drenched!! Usually, this is a great spot to work the sludge with plastics, but the weather was perfect for fish to cruize away from their hiddy holes. The milfoil this time of year is still sparce enough to work a crank without having to smoke too much of it. And the fish in this particular pond respond well to cranks. Ended up going 3 for 6 on an lc slender pointer. All fish were pretty decent, including this girl that was pushing the 20s.. A bit of bling to go with her too. Biggest largie to come out of this hole thus far.. Released to get bigger and contribute more to the gene pool!! cheers HD
  18. Was staring at my fish tank when it happened.. My cichlids sure felt it! Our precambrian shield is aging.. Could this be a sign of things to come?!
  19. Laz you don't need a guide... You've got meee!! We'll hold our own casting clinics with rhymes, breaks and beats.. word. H to tha D
  20. That was fantastic Dan.. What a great read too. And those wakeboarding pics are shweeet!! cheers HD
  21. You're giving me the itch too!! And I also need a reel for the ol 5wt... What say you masta Laz?!
  22. Haah! I thought he only used shortening.. He does seem to be coming around though. I've actually caught myself sitting through a whole episode.. Maybe he hired a PR consultant..
  23. Sounds to me like it's swim bladder was out of whack.. maybe a swim bloat. Only a stressed fish would behave this way. CnR may or may not be the culprit. I've seen big post spawn females swimming with their backs exposed; just after doing the deed. Almost looked like they were gulping air.. Coordination didn't seem to be a problem though. Maybe she swallowed some bong water!! HD
  24. I'm thinking your boy caught a bowfin..
  25. Atta boy Pete!! If you can tag fish in those kinds of conditions, you can tag them anywhere. Including the harbour.. Give me a buzz eh?! cheers HD
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