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Everything posted by highdrifter

  2. Thought something was up when I saw the red nail polish.. Got a lot of time on your hands eh?!?! Nice fish though!!
  3. It'd have to be a video brother.. For this application you can get away with just a regular bobber stop knot. 30lb braid is plenty thick enough to stop your bullet weight. Quick and easy. float stopper
  4. Meh.. I like to tinker after a few man sodas.
  5. Funny how steelheading came right after the birth of Eliana lol Dude I want that t-shirt!!
  6. Right, what he said..
  7. I can't seem to find those rubber stoppers either.. probably cause I tend to use hard baits instead of plastics. Ever try a nail knot over your main line with dacron or spiderwire? It would probably work just as well. 20lb braid would do it and it would blend in pretty good. It would just have to be pretty tight to the mono for it to stay in place. Those slip knots that the slip floats come with? It's a nail knot essentially.. The loops are just pre-formed around a tube with a nail knot and all you have to do is move the loops over to your line, tighten and snip the tag ends. Beauty is you don't need a tube or a tool to do the knot, a loop made of heavy mono would work just fine. I actually use this knot instead of metal sleaves on my pike leaders cause I don't like the extra weight and it's good and strong. I can do pic by pic if ya want. cheers HD
  8. Those sound like daunting conditions. Good on ya for hucking out tho. Those fish in the net.. Just so were on the same page, are northerns right?!?! cheeers HD
  9. I know eh! Ain't you on the coast though?! I mean... the waters out there bud. I would loose my freaking mind!
  10. Great pics! And a very respectable ski. cheers HD
  11. Itty bitty ones Bill.. Yellow sponge and red ear plugs!!
  12. She probably had a slower retrieve!!
  13. Oh crap not again! I'll dig up another shot of this fish that gives it a better profile. Figured between the four of us we had a pretty good idea of what it was. Definetly not an atlantic. In this case the leading ray on the anal fin only went a third of the length of the fin. The ray on cohos extends two thirds of the fin and the atlantic's runs the full length.. Without a close-up of the anal fin it's almost impossible for a positive ID, but it just didn't have the profile of a salar. This link helped big time. Might be a good idea to add it to the list of OFC links for others to use also. atlantic or chinook
  14. HAHAHAH!! He'll like that one. I thought it was more like 2 week old brie left behind the furnace..
  15. It's already shaping up to be wicked year for steel. We'll be in touch!
  16. Beauty fish brother!! Was great meeting you and the fam. Shame we left the greet till just before leaving.. see you on the cove! HD
  17. Ya know I was sure it was a mykiss when she breached because you could see a pink hue... but it turned out to be a tshawytscha instead!
  18. MuHAH!! Prolly..
  19. Thanks Brah!
  20. Aye! Get us some pichures..
  21. true dat. Look honey.. there's a ravine in the back yard!!
  22. LOL. Was afraid of that!! Thanks sug.
  23. Hey gang, Was cruising with a good pal yesterday trying to find some saturday night action.. We ended hooking up with some other TRCA buds for a poker game and a morning of chinny slayin! First fish of the day and my only fish was a bright bullet that smacked a rusty rat on a swing.. What a dime!! Mark got into the action too. His better fish and a nice and fresh one at that. Rob was the one with the magic drift... I lost count of how many fish this crazy bugger layed into. By the by, all fish were legit. Whether or not they were actually hitting our flies is subject to debate, but none were flossed. Bring on the steeeeeel. cheers HD
  24. And here's some more!! Good times brother. More slot sized walters.. Twister tails were your magic baits dood. PIKE-a-boo!! So much of this stuff it would make the Hulk blush! What a mess... yaow! Down yonder guy!! Twas so sweltering... even the green water looked inviting.. Somehow Laz thought it would be cool to wear our lifejackets upside down LOL!! One of the better smallies. Gotta love the west arm. It's an intensely beautiful place. Till the next mystical journey.. cheers HD OH and great to meet you Jim and family!!
  25. Brother that's epic! Can't wait to see the show. Shame about that front today.. and after all that stable, warm weather. I'm sure you guys will have a great time though. talk soon HD
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