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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Interesting. How far from shore would you need to be to be considered in open water though? Like if I was to say, troll 2 lines from a canoe just off shore.. would that be allowed?
  2. Wow, what a place! Thanks for the write up Mike. Really good photo opps. Good to see some familiar faces too. Pretty solid bunch of dudes right thar. And Paul does a wicked Bubbles!! HAHAH!! cheers HD
  3. If you haven't been out already then we can't help you...
  4. Water temps are still a little cold for pike to be in the shallows, but they are inching their way in. Look for drop offs and edges adjacent to entrances of the shallow bays that you know pike will congregate to when they're on the spawn. Got one last night just as the sun was setting. She came up from about 15-20ft of water. cheers HD
  5. Dude!! There's an entity in our pic!
  6. You prepping for doomsday too?!
  7. Well hey I'm from Alabama Chapter!! yuck yuck.. Actually from Temiskaming.. Was up in Cochrane a coupla weeks ago in Greenwater. If you created that FB page I'd sign up fosho. regards
  8. WTG Ron. Nice fish, nice post. cheers HD
  9. No fair.. Brendan's probably caught more fish in his youth than I will in a lifetime!! Beauty read bud. Hope to slay some specks with you again soon. cheers HD
  10. Ordered mine online on the 15th of january. Called in last Friday and I was told I'd have it in 3 weeks. Trouble is I don't have the print out and they can't send it to you again.. So technically I've been fishing without a licence. I was told that I could get fined for fishing without one and the person on the phone recommended I make my way to Queens Park and pay the $10.50 for a temporary one. Nuts to that!! Still waiting... Going to have to bite it and get the temporary for our upcoming trip to Cochrane.. Am I the only one or does this sound totally bogus?!
  11. Their beliefs have nothing to do with this issue. Frankly, I'm not surprised that this issue has arisen. I've seen first hand what these "fisherfolk" leave behind.. The shoreline on the east side of the pond is a war zone. These yahoos have to learn how to clean up after themeselves if we get to keep our fishing priviledges... I've seen the lot that fishes that pond, they rape and pillage when the pan fish are spawning, leave a heap of junk behind them and generally have no regard for anyone else. Ask them what a fishing license is and they havn't got a clue. Forget a language barrier.
  12. I`m afraid she`s locked up tight brother. Drop me a line if you`re interesting in icing some big durties!
  13. Oh yes you can!! Best of luck.
  14. Lost a brand new rod last weekend.. I noticed that it had fallen off its holder and was laying on it's side.. I start walking over to it and she just flopped into the hole right there in front of me! I dunno if this would be considered a fluke but the fish swam directly to my other rig down the shoreline.. Reeled my other rod up the hole and landed the fish too!! Great idear!!
  15. fresh.. Virgin.. POW!!
  16. Uuhhh. You don't say..
  17. Aye ton enfant y'est tu correct?! That's a pretty awesome video.. Looks real to me. Thanks budday! LOL
  18. Oh man I sure hope so.. I could really use the night off!!
  19. Welcome back to the grind Gerritt! I've been on nights for the last couple years.. 12-8am, mon-fri. It's life altering for sure, especially if you have kids. I'm pretty much free to do what I wanna do when I'm not at work so I can't offer much in that regard. Toughest part is no doubt the sleeping bit. Trick is to cancel out the light as much as possible. I've tried a bunch of methods but the best I've found is to line your bedroom window with tin foil, and cover it with a black out blind. Get the best black out blinds you can afford. They'll reduce outdoor noise and regulate heat/cold. You will need pitch darkness. If that means stuffing the bottom gap on your bedroom door - do it. As for noise, ear plugs are a mand's best friend. The softer the better. If you sleep on your side, you need only one in the exposed ear. I've found that one in the ear next to the pillow can be painfull and isn't really necessary. Another thing: Try not to eat anything before you sleep. Give yourself at least 2-3hrs after a meal. Sugar and fried stuff makes for a pretty restless shnooze. Hope this helps. Good luck. cheers HD
  20. I'd be cutting a trench in the ice to fire that baby! Be sure to post a shot of that michigan wrap when shes done. Noice work!
  21. Now that's my kind of workout!!
  22. Nice fish. Just a thought, the quality of your roe may not have mattered.. It might have been your presentation and where you were drifting that was key. You could have had the same results fishing beads. cheers HD
  23. AAOOHH so sweet!!
  24. Baaahh just for a coupla days?! I'm talking about keepin them over the winter..
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