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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Pretty sure that was a hand rolled cigarette there Billy boy..
  2. $72,500 in fines.. I wonder... What does a 2 year covert investigation cost in ressources??!! That's awefull...
  3. Right on. I'm a wannabee steelie bum too. Don't get out nearly as much as I want to though.. Some pretty chill fisherfolk here.. Come to think of it, an ofner pretty much put me onto my first steelie. Guy by the name of FHR. That was over ten years ago.. Welcome aboard! cheers HD
  4. Oohhh a ten weight oughta cast that nicely.. I wouldn't add more metal though.. I doesn't have to look like a 16th century torture device!! Me rikey though!
  5. Nice big female there!!
  6. I'm guessing he got into a scrap with another bird..
  7. Who said good gears don't make you a better fisherman!! Nice hawgeye dude.
  8. Wow what a fish!!! Looks like the fishery is on the rebound.. Is the commercial fishery still closed? Very cool! cheers HD
  9. My dad's been "preppin" for years now.. If the power goes out and all hell breaks loose, I think I'll go crash at his pad.. safe travels everyone.
  10. I love my Sorel Glaciers for those really cold days out on the ice... Cold feet are a thing of the past with these bad boys.. They're high boots though but I would lean towards a higher boot for ice fishing anyway.. Those Baffin Snosports look sweet but I dunno if I would trust them for a full day out on the ice in minus 30 IMHO... cheers HD
  11. Causeway between Cayo Coco and Moron holds fish in the openings when the tide goes out.. Got a few cudas and jacks closer to Moron... Made friends with a dude at the resort and rented a car... drove around and fished all week.. It was a blast!!
  12. got mine on ebay.ca for $180 taxes and shipping.. BNIB!!
  13. Bah I'm just jealous.. It looks delicious Bruce!
  14. A bottle of Château Mouton Rothschild 1975... and some #$)%(* for my fly!!!
  15. Isn't the MNR outsourcing to a company out in the states for the new card? That's progress for ya.. I miss my turkey too!!
  16. Is that lard?! Cause if it is... your healthy diet is a little off the mark.. j/k
  17. Not too shabby!! Thanks for the eye candy dude. cheers HD
  18. No kidding... Paul stole mine LOL!!
  19. Gotta use that mound of brown goodness somehow HAH!!
  20. Party Pooper!!
  21. Couldn't you just "drift" a big juicy dewie their way?
  22. It's called surf and turf you chuck'n ducker!!
  23. Why not get the real thing directly from the microsoft website... It's called Microsoft Security Essentials.. It's the real deal, it's free and you'll never be asked to upgrade.. I wouldn't trust anything else!!!
  24. Be nice to see more moose calves... Who knows.. this might help increase the returns..
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