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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. decks are fun to build...get at er and before you know it ...youll be fishing and having BBQs on the new outdoor entertainment area...then you can tell her you need a new big ass BBQ
  2. speed is of essence...1-2.2 MPH use a gps to determine your speed not your boat speedo...you may get them off the flatline at dusk and dawn but they will more then likely be on the bottom during the bright sunny days Dipsy divers will get you down to them or lead core...if your running a thermometer target 50 degrees and it should put you in the zone for them to rise to your bait...if they dont rise...then drop your dipsy right into the bottom and stir things up...ONLY if its a sand bottom..you dont want to hook into rocks...if you do choose to run Dipsys make sure you have 30+ pound line as it get expensive replacing everything due to a break off... Good Luck
  3. i just heard it on the radio an hour ago about imported tomatoes from the U.S. with salmonella....beware....Sobeys is selling them
  4. Nice shots Mike..good on ya ...how much was the housing for the camera...im thinking of getting one for my Nikon...but they are not cheap.. Im not going to congratulate you on kicking the Big C because honestly i had no doubt you wouldnt win that battle...but i will congratulate you on all the "new" free time you now have to no longer have to deal with it and can now spend it on more important things... Great report and im glad your feeling better and the results are CLEAN Cheers
  5. Cliff does your friend not have insurance for "sick and accident" through his employer?...the only one to win anything in a law suit is a lawyer...so if it is truely to prevent a future accident i say go for it...but it going to be tied up in the courts for years and with no long time/permanent disability to your friend ...he has to weigh this issue of importance to him... In canada a step has to be between 7-8 inches and all consistent with each other Cheers ...sorry bout the hard knocks your buddy just went through
  6. Nice shootin ...ive got to head up there shortly to install the docks and kill a few beers with the brother-in-law unfortunatly no room on the plane for the rods...looks like you guys had a good time .. Cheers
  7. Come on ...i just seen him playing cards with Jim Morrison and Elvis a few hours ago ...it struck me as odd that Jim was sober
  8. i agree Doc...but it was a historic night ...Cotures last fight and the elephant mans first...geez that looked nasty...i was expecting him to yell AAADRIAN!!!!
  9. Nice ride Paul...im miss the new boat feeling ...hope she serves you well for many years...what are ya going to name her?
  10. wait till you hook into a 20+ pounder brown....keep at it ...they are there...are you fishing the spring derby?
  11. i would say "call an ambulance too...youll need it more"
  12. MisTom? MisHen? or maybe MisTurkey?...just a few suggestions Brian.. Good Luck and leave the red bandana at home
  13. hope your prepared to top that one in the future Dad...lol... Excellent job young man ...make sure you remind dad who catches the fish and who holds the net!!! Nice shootin!
  14. Nice shootin Ron ...you were rewarded for your time invested... its nice to see the water level up in that river...fish might stand a chance of doing what they need to do... Good on ya
  15. i seen them too...who needs a fish tank eh .... i think im going to keep this going all the time to act as a screen saver... nice find!!! Cheers
  16. ahhhhhhh the morning dreams are made of....Congrates !!!!! GOTTA LOVE IT!!!!
  17. i feel like a blonde for laughing at that !!! Happy Easter ...
  18. if you need help filleting it up ...ive got a few saw zalls with really LOOOOOONG blades
  19. ill keep that in mind when im working down there this summer...GREAT ice cream though!!!lol...
  20. we ran into them on our treks yesterday...i thought it was refreshing to see them for a change..ya gotta realize the size of the area they have to cover..but im sure they are doing well in the "fine department"...from what he was telling us..
  21. the glass is half full too ya know...i always thought of Hamilton/Stoney Creek as a dirty city until i had a friend show me around to some of the finer points of the area...the Bowl,water front, escarpment etc...i definatly dont think of it as "dirty City" anymore...more along the lines of a busy city with awesome ice-cream...but then again...a city is a city ...isnt it?
  22. that Maskot is awesome...i want one too... nice shootin with the camera...looks like your preparing yourself some some cool expressions with it in the future... Have fun
  23. from ALL the threads in this forum..this is the first link i clicked on for an openerer report... Job Well Done !!!!
  24. heck i would buy it and use it as a cottage for me and the mrs...but im a little short in funds (about 25 million)
  25. not sure if you would need one B....they were ice fishing ? Another great production Jacques you did well under the circumstances....
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