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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. The great thing about HDR is ...there is no right or wrong way to do it ...its an expression from the photographer...did you apply all 5 layers to the fish alone? it also fun to take different sections of the image and bring them to extremes...kinda like ....water , boat. fish, your coat all adjusted in HDR on seperate layers...then combining them to create an artsy feel.. Nice expression and nice fish too... Cheers and thanks for sharing
  2. Nice shootin! the best sunblock is LOTZ of tattoos (not really but its a good excuse) Cheers
  3. Excellent report ....appears the wait paid off....love the slow shutter speed shots too ... Good on both of yas
  4. only thing missing is rod holders mounted on the rail...Very Nice !!!! Cheers
  5. Much respect Ron ...fight the good fight ...maybe use your mission as leverage for the marina to build a "fishing dock" strickly for the purpose of kids fishing ...possibly in conjunction to some raised moneys that your local club can muster up through donations...just a thought ...im sure if the marina came out smelling like a rose...you could convince them to be on board...but here on OFC...we know who the REAL hero would be ... CHEERS
  6. i enjoyed that read Ron ...thanks now i kinow where to get free labour
  7. im probably going to get some flack for this comment but ... Walt Disney couldnt have wrote a better fairytale then the bible
  8. Its only fitting Winnipeg should have a team...the Jets never should have left in my opinion ....Winnipeg is Canada's latest BOOMTOWN...the fans and city deserve it....
  9. you only live once....i hope you get many more chances in life to experience adventures such as this... Congratulations for the experience and thank you for sharing it Cheers
  10. how do i put this without sounding cruel or hurtful you got out fished 5-1 ? Your Man Card is suspended until further notice ... IF you cleaned the fish ..cooked it and did the dishes afterwards... Consider "further notice" to NEVA happen..
  11. Nice shooting boys!!! For Lakers - Northern King Magnums...watermelon ,yellow,green or any copper coloured Gibbs....
  12. Congrates Terrence..fantastic work and good luck in the finals... i thought the cow from Twister was a Holstein..."hey look.. there goes another cow" "nope....that was the same cow"
  13. Just reading between the lines ....i see this donation as a peace offering to something that has gone terribly wrong in the recent past...JMO
  14. "your the next contestant on ME" Bob was/is a dawg that has a soft spot for Canadian elephants...
  15. im now scared to ever go into the water again ...
  16. now you have a cheering section for every lotto ticket you buy...let me know when i can stop by to collect http://www.filehurricane.com/photos/79200984910AM_susan-sarandon-11.jpg
  17. im with Terry on this one ...after many years of crossing issue free (normal crap) they decided to interrogate me and my plane flew away without me on it ...that was their first and last opportunity to do so....other countries welcome visitors with open arms and appreciate my visits...holidays are not supposed to be started off with Bull...who needs it .. I was once comming back from down south and there was a dude ( he looked and sounded like Boomhower) that was comming to canada to train canadians on a factory machine because his company relocated to Toronto...the canadians denied him and this is why we no longer have two dollar bills side note...Canada is filled with people with funny accents to make a canadian vacation feel foreign.. i guess in your situation the beard might be a "flag" but if you shave it off...whatever you do ....DONT wear an "Orange County Chopper" shirt
  18. didnt the Americans just shoot Sasquatch in Pakistan?
  19. as others have stated ...throw a dart at a map ... Ive fished Waskasue and Pike Lakes amongst other smaller ones with great success but ultimately Lake Diefenbacker is on my bucket list for the record breaking rainbows... Good Luck ...my memories are over 25 years old and still vivid as if they were yesterday...
  20. Excellent report Wayne and nice shootin guys...you may not all land on the same boats at the same time ....but im sure your always with each other when ever a fishing rod is in any one of your guys hands Cheers
  21. you would have to be one HELL of a writer to try to describe those pictures with words.. the images say it all!!
  22. dont be thilly...you both thcare us all!!!
  23. Wikipedia just changed the link for "images of carp" to your picture here on OFC As far as carp go...thats a beaut Nice shootin!!!
  24. Congrates...life is officially OVER as you knew it ....for the better!!! Cheers!!!!
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